Page 61 - Tropic Magazine Issue 27
P. 61



             FIVE FITNESS

             TRENDS OF 2021

              BRIGHT FUTURE
             What do you tell yourself when
             you wake up late for your gym
             class during lockdown?
             Self, I so late.

             Words: Tayla Pogan,
             PhyxMe Physiotherapist             2. Virtual fitness                4. Targeted group training
                                                How good does it sound to have your   As the world reboots, most people
             This year has made a lot of us change our   personal trainer yell at you in your   are expected to get back into gyms.
             fitness methods. Whether you missed   lounge room? Great right! Fitness apps   However, exercise is also important
             your favourite gym class or ran outdoors   allow just that and they have become   for our at-risk population. We predict
             instead of on your treadmill, we have   incredibly popular. We expect their   a focus on group training sessions
             all made sacrifices that have borne new   popularity to continue.    targeted at this population in 2021.
             means of fitness. Here are five set to stay   Physio tip It is easy to do too much too   Physio tip ‘move it or lose it’ - if you
             in 2021.                           quickly when fitness is so accessible.    don’t maintain and progressively load
                                                Listen to your body and take rest days to   your body, you won’t improve.
             1. Minimal equipment workouts      let your muscles recover.
             If you’re considering building a home                                5. Smart clothing
             gym, do it.  Equipment can range from   3. Mind focused training     Technology is great for tracking fitness
             tyres to milk cartons, so you don’t have   The trend towards training your mind   and while smart watches and phones
             to break the bank to build your biceps.   isn’t new, but this year its intensified.    are common, a new era is emerging -
             A park bench or couch is all you need   Practices such as yoga, pilates, body   smart clothing! Tech infused garments
             for a great workout.               balance and mindfulness can help   such as t-shirts, bras and socks are
             Physio tip   To increase difficulty try   manage stress.             going to be huge.
             increasing reps or sets, adding a hold   Physio tip  If don’t know where to start,   Physio tip  When setting fitness goals,
             to each rep or add pulses to target   there are many apps to help.  Try Smiley   ensure they are reasonable, achievable
             different muscle fibers.           Minds, DownDog and Breathe.       and trackable.

                                    ULTIMATE GIFT GUIDE FOR ACTIVE PEOPLE

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              cult-fave muscle therapy device.  Co’s vibrant run apparel.      explode onto the running track.
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              Reformer Pilates 10 class pass   One-hour remedial massage        Revival supplements
              Gift strength, flexibility and a great   Athletes will be sure to appreciate a   Gift the fitspo in your life an edge
              place to escape summer.         remedial massage.                 with Revival’s range of natural
              Buy Q Pilates 4053 4343         Buy PhyxMe 4053 434               supplements. Buy
                                                                                or Alive Pharmacy Warehouse

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