Page 43 - Tropic Magazine Issue 27
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Tropic chats to the new owner variety of genres and topics collected in
of Sue’s Book Exchange to find the shop. I’m enjoying the interaction
out what’s in store for this with the customers. I delight in
witnessing the joy and exhilaration
beloved bookshop. expressed by a person who’s just found
that book they’ve been looking for.
The popularity of
books and reading What are some of the most
soared in 2020 – at treasured books at the exchange?
least one positive I love the beautiful photographs in
to emerge from the the ‘coffee table’ books, the reference variety of books – something for everyone
COVID-19 pandemic. books, photos of animals by David of all ages and preferences. Children’s
Our collective lockdowns and slower pace Attenborough for example. I’m an avid books ranging from babies through to
meant we had extra time to enjoy the finer reader of the classics such as Jane Austen. young adults, comics, fiction, science
things in life, such as reading. The old classic stories from my childhood fiction, fantasy romances, fishing, sports,
As a lover of the printed word, Cairns local by Enid Blyton, May Gibbs and Beatrice motor cars and bikes, hobbies, cooking,
Maree Otto saw the opportunity to take Potter are treasures. Sharing the crafts, gardening, animals including pets,
over ownership of Sue’s Book Exchange appreciation of these stories with young spiritual development, fiction in
at the Showgrounds Shopping Centre on children is a pleasure. foreign languages, dictionary, writing
Mulgrave Road as her perfect job. What type of books and literature do skills, and much more.
What sparked you to take over you enjoy? Why are book shops and exchanges
ownership of the book exchange? I enjoy a girly romance by authors like important for our community?
It would have been a shame to let the Maeve Binchy, Di Morrissey, Monica Everyone loves the feel (and smell) of
shop close. I’ve been a customer for many McInerney and younger Australian paper books – they express that sentiment
years. I was looking for a career change authors such as Fleur McDonald and as they walk in the door. Sharing a well-
– I couldn’t bear sitting at a desk staring Fiona McCallum. I also love reading loved read with a friend or family is a treat
at a computer any longer. The bookshop stories with historical facts by authors for the soul. People like to see the books
seemed to be that perfect change, and a like Diana Gabaldon, Marion Zimmer re-used – they don’t want them to be
chance to interact with people and share Bradley, and even Elizabeth Gilbert. destroyed.
the joy of reading. What can people expect from the
What are your favourite things about book exchange when they visit, MORE: Visit at the Showgrounds
the book exchange? especially if it’s for the first time? Shopping Centre, 157/173
I love books – to read, to look at and to The shop has a fresh new look and there’s Mulgrave Rd, or call 0428 711 178
share with others. There’s such a wide more to come. We have a very broad
Go Coco The funky Freshwater store Coco Shop on-trend items “help our customers live a
has been operating a pop-up shop at happy lifestyle”.
One of our favourite retail spots in Cairns Central, which has proven so “We always try to communicate with our
Cairns is moving on up – literally. popular they are moving into bigger customers and suggest suitable items
premises on Level 1 of the Centre. to them,” Tomo said. “We collect and sell
Tomo from Coco Shop told Tropic the functional and convenient items for local
new Cairns Central space will provide a people and we are not only a retail shop but
range of awesome Christmas gift ideas also try to be an enjoyable space for locals.
for locals. We also support the local community with
“We have so much variety in our stores initiatives such as gold coin donations
and many unique items that Cairns for local school libraries when a customer
hasn’t seen before,” Tomo said. “Whether requests gift wrapping. We strongly believe
it’s the Keep Cold tumblers, Neoprene that communication and connection with
bags, Saltwater sandals, kitchenware, our local community is very important.”
skincare, leather wallets and much, much Check out the new Coco Shop pop-up in the
more. Our products are sourced from all former Australian Geographic store on Level
over Australia, whether it’s Melbourne, 1 at Cairns Central and their Freshwater store
Sydney or Bondi Beach and also a range at Shop 7/227 Kamerunga Road, Freshwater.
of products made locally.”
Coco Shop’s slogan is “treat yourself”, MORE:
and as Tomo explains the shop’s
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