Page 63 - Tropic Magazine Issue 26
P. 63


           Q & A

           Elyse Dolman
           PhyxMe Senior Physiotherapist

           Why did you choose physio?
           Growing up I always wanted to be a high
           school PE Teacher. I am not exactly sure
           what changed my mind but during year 12 I
           decided I might like to be a Physiotherapist.
           Fourteen years on and I still don’t regret my
           Do you have any special areas of interest?
           After spending the last five years working
           with the Australian Defence Force, I would                           to control biomechanics and correct
           say I enjoy treating lower limb injuries,   Podiatrist vs            malalignment to reduce load on joint and
           especially complex overuse injuries. They                            soft tissue structures.
           can have a huge impact on patient function   Physiotherapist         For example, you sprained your ankle.
           and significantly limit high performance                             Initially you may present to your
           athletes. Although often frustrating for   ADVICE                    physiotherapist for acute management
           patients, when managed and progressed   When you’ve got foot or ankle   strategies including education, reduce
           appropriately outcomes are generally                                 inflammation and allow healing, restore
           positive, and athletes can return to their   pain, who should you see? The   range of motion and improve strength,
           required level of function.          team at PhyxMe explains.        allowing return to optimum function.
           Most challenging case or client?                                     Through assessment it may become
           A patient who fractured his C1 vertebra   When it comes to foot or ankle pain,   evident that there is an issue with chronic
           (that’s the top of his neck). He would have   people often wonder which health   instability and recurrent ankle injuries
           to be the most positive and determined   professional they should seek advice   secondary to poor foot biomechanics. A
           patient I have ever seen. From what started   from. Although the answer should   referral may also be made to a podiatrist
           as a possible life or death situation and   be easy it often isn’t as it can depend   for further assessment of your foot and
           months in hospital ended with a full return   on multiple factors and what the   ankle alignment, establishing whether
           to competitive volleyball. Don’t get me   underlying cause of pain or dysfunction   support through means such as footwear
           wrong the rehab was long and hard work   might be. Sometimes gold standard care   and orthotics are required.
           but it truly shows what persistence and   requires a collaborative approach.   Physiotherapists and podiatrists often
           determination can achieve.           Physiotherapists aim to assist their   work best when working collaboratively
           Favourite Olympic or sporting moment?  patient through the assessment,   to provide gold standard patient care.
           Everyone loves someone that just has a   diagnosis and management of injuries   Our resident podiatrist Lachlan from My
           crack. My favourite Olympic moment would   or diseases to return them to pre-injury   Foot Dr is currently working alongside
           have to be Eric “the Eel” Moussambani who   function or improved quality of life.   our physiotherapists at PhyxMe Edge
           competed in the 2000 Olympics after never   Although there are physiotherapists who   Hill on a regular basis to provide quality
           having seen an Olympic sized pool prior to   specialise in specific areas, most physios   patient care.
           the event.                           treat a whole range of musculoskeletal
           Favourite quote                      conditions from head to toe.      MORE:
           “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to   On the other hand, podiatrists specialise or call 4053 4343
           pass; It’s learning to dance in the rain” by   in the assessment, diagnosis and
           Vivian Greene.                       management of lower limb, foot and
                                                ankle conditions. Podiatrists will look

            Prevention is always best. For more specific advice, talk to a podiatrist or physiotherapist.

            CHOOSE                              GET                                CONDITIONING
            SUPPORTIVE                          WARMED                             AND
            FOOTWEAR                            UP                                 MOBILITY

            Keep an eye out for a firm heel counter   A few minutes of functional movements   Our muscles are the first line of
            and stiff sole with sufficient flexion at the  such as a jog and drawing circles with   defence against stress and injury.
            toes. A foot and ankle moving all over the   your feet can be enough to warm up the   Gradually build up strength through
            place can lead to injury, a supportive shoe   muscles, joints and ligaments to prevent   the lower limbs and partner with
            will look to stabilise this.        injury.                            regular stretching.

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