Page 61 - Tropic Magazine Issue 26
P. 61
Look at Me!
Splurge a little and get yourself
statement pieces to make your home
sparkle. Nothing beats bringing home
a coveted item that you can admire for
its beauty, quality and design every day.
Why not make your statement piece
a living thing?! We recommend using
statement plants to help transform your
space and set the overall tone for the
room. Large plants in the indoor tree
category like fiddle leaf figs (ficus lyrata),
rubber plants (ficus elastic), palms and IN PROFILE: THE PALMS
giant monstera are very effective at
bringing the wow factor. Smaller plants Come leaf your worries at the door
with incredible cascading foliage can in this beautiful urban sanctuary.
also do an excellent job when perched on The Palms offers a place to escape
a shelf or hung high. the daily grind surrounded by
luscious indoor plants, gorgeous
planters and baskets, and bespoke
It’s Getting Hot in Here homewares and furniture pieces.
Serving you delicious premium
Care tips for tending to your plant babies coffees, speciality lattes and a
during summer. selection of sweet and savoury
treats, you can truly relax amongst
1. Water often the good vibes.
Plants dry out faster in the hotter Set to celebrate their first birthday
months, make sure you give them a in business soon, sisters Jacqui
good drink when they feel dry. Too long Barber and Teagan Lloyds have
without a drink will cause stress to your been sharing their love of plants
plant and affect its foliage. and beautiful things with the region
in their Aeroglen shop, online store
2. Check the sun and across the socials. They’re
As the sun’s rays intensify, relocate any passionate about bringing life
plants that may burn if exposed to long indoors to make every space feel
periods of direct sunlight. like home. The Palms’ strong focus
on serving top notch espresso
3. Warmer is best has created a loyal following with
Freezing cold temps are not good for coffee lovers. If you haven’t visited
indoor plants. Our tropical climate is yet...add it to your must-do list!
perfect for many plants, so reconsider
blasting the A/C.
4. Fertilise MORE:
Remember to feed your plants quality @thepalmscairns on socials
plant food and they will reward you with
beautiful new growth. 1. Jacqui Barber and Teagan Lloyds, The Palms
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