Page 62 - Tropic Magazine Issue 26
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           Tropic columnist and interior     Women in Construction FNQ at Cairns Innovation Centre JCU
           designer Hyaesil Gilligan
           believes women have a lot to     are my network - “when it is high tide,   connections with like-minded people,
                                            everything goes up”.
                                                                             and gain an understanding of areas
           offer the Cairns construction    This article is for women who are   outside their field.
           industry.                        interested in the design and building   One of these events was the 2020
           I’ve been in the building industry for   industries. Young, old or wherever you   Cairns Youth & Careers Expo, held
           over 10 years and in all that time I never   come from, this is for you! The article   at the Showgrounds earlier this year.
           interacted with any other building or   below is written by Sandra Througton,   Members volunteered to talk to high
           design industry women. I automatically   on behalf of the Women in Construction   school students about a whole range
           considered anyone else in the industry   committee                of vocational opportunities and
           as a competitor, which is why I never                             career pathways into construction,
           attempted to make connections.    SUPPORTIVE NETWORK              sharing a breadth of experience and
           At a friend’s 50th birthday that all   Women In Construction FNQ was built   encouragement with budding builders.
           changed when I met Belinda Down.   on the desires of a few hard-headed   In a typically male-dominated industry,
           We sat and chatted and hit it off, and   females to achieve gender equality within   Women In Construction FNQ is
           she suggested I start going to Women   the regional housing and construction   committed to empowering its members
           in Construction events. Belinda made   industry. The group has grown to include   by acknowledging their achievements
           me feel a lot more positive about it, so I   people from all facets of the industry,   and celebrating their successes.
           decided to give it a go. At first, like most   with many members being consultants   Ultimately, this will see the region achieve
           things you do the first time, it was a bit   and employees in engineering,   true equality and diversity for all in the
           awkward and uncomfortable. I kept   architecture, town planning,   construction industry.
           making the effort, though, and after a   development, government organisations,   Anyone involved in a construction-related
           few more events I started feeling right at   universities and suppliers.    industry, men and women alike, are
           home and had made a handful of friends.   Regular events provide opportunities for   invited to attend the next Women In
           Now I love attending, and I make new   members to get up close and personal   Construction FNQ function.
           contacts all the time. Being surrounded   with activities they don’t typically
           by beautiful, strong-minded and talented   undertake in their roles, even though they
           women makes me feel supported and   may be closely connected.      FACEBOOK:
           connected. I realise now that these   Members also have the chance to   Women in Construction – FNQ
           women aren’t my competition, they   meet new faces in the industry, form


                                                                                        OPEN 7 DAYS

                                                                                   3 PALMERSTON ST, AEROGLEN

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