Page 17 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 17

         Scene Around   Tropic profiiles an amazing image from the Tropical North

                       with photographer
        Q&A Ellen Wilson
         Location: Stoney Creek Falls within the   this for a photo shoot. The challenge   kind of story with simplicity. Freia and
         Barron Gorge National Park - one of my   wasn’t really for me, but mostly for my   I have been collaborating now for a few
         favourite local places in Cairns to explore.   model as it was quite a cold, windy day   years. She’s been featured in Vogue Italia
                                            and she was immersed in that water. We   four times now for my photography. I
         Challenges of the shoot: Freia and I   shot a few other images first before this   just submit my images to the magazine
         hiked to this lovely National Park and   particular one.              and they either accept it or not. It’s an
         went right up to the Stoney Creek Falls                               online Vogue Italia publication for this
         via the Douglas Track, then followed the   I love this shot because: This image of   sort of feature. It’s an honour to be part
         train track to the waterfall. Our walk took   Freia is just so natural and raw with   of that community and it’s very inspiring
         us about an hour to get to this place. It   those feminine emotions on her face. The   for artists/photographers such as myself.
         was very enjoyable. We both love hiking,   flow of light with the water is beautiful.
         so it wasn’t hard to do something like   It’s a photograph that tells an ethereal   INSTAGRAM: @theraven_andthemoon

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