Page 29 - Tropic Magazine Issue 223
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How does social distancing work? through to a local public health unit and
Social distancing is one way to help other health support services.
slow the spread of viruses.
Social distancing includes: Do I need to be separate from other
• staying at home when you are sick people in my home if I am isolating?
• avoiding gatherings if they are not Yes. If you are sharing your home with
essential. others, you should stay in a different
• staying 1.5 metres away from other room from other people or be separated
people as much as you can. as much as possible. Wear a surgical
• avoiding touching others such as mask when you are in the same room
shaking hands, kissing or hugging. as another person, and when seeking
medical care. Use a separate bathroom,
if available.
NOVEL CORONAVIRUS Make sure that you do not share a room
with people who are at risk of severe
(COVID-19) National Coronavirus Helpline disease, such as elderly people and
Call this line if you are seeking those who have heart, lung or kidney
Tropic’s guide to FAQs information on COVID-19. The line is conditions, and diabetes.
and myth-busters operated by the Federal Government Visitors who do not have an essential
and operates 24 hours a day, seven days need to be in the home should not visit
What are the symptoms of COVID-19? a week. while you are isolating.
COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus Call 1800 020 080
that has not been previously identified
in humans. As a respiratory illness,
COVID-19 symptoms can range from
mild illness to pneumonia. Key symptoms How can I access groceries and
include fever, coughing, sore throat and Is there a vaccine for novel coronavirus medicines while in home isolation?
shortness of breath. Some people will (COVID-19)? If you need groceries or medicines
recover easily, and others may get very There is currently no vaccine for novel (including prescription medicines), ask
sick very quickly. coronavirus. Scientists around the world a family member or friend (who is not in
are working on developing a vaccine.
What should I do if I think I have novel The World Health Organisation believes isolation) to deliver them to your home
coronavirus (COVID-19)? this may be available within 18 months. or shop for groceries online. To prevent
Call a GP clinic immediately if you are: infecting other people, make sure you
• unwell with symptoms of novel Where can I find up-to-date travel wear a mask when receiving a delivery or
coronavirus (COVID-19) advice and information, including have the groceries left at your door.
• had close contact with a confirmed flight delays or impacts and what
case of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is being done at airports to protect
Before your appointment, please call Queenslanders?
ahead and mention your symptoms and For the most up-to-date travel
travel (or contact) history so they can information visit https://www. How long does COVID-19 last on surfaces?
prepare for your visit. According to the World Health
What happens if I need help while in Organization, it is not certain how long
the virus that causes COVID-19 survives
self-quarantine? on surfaces, but it seems to behave like
Community recovery support and other coronaviruses. Studies suggest that
How is it prevented? assistance is available through the coronaviruses (including preliminary
Some simple measures significantly Department of Communities, Disability information on the COVID-19 virus)
reduce the risk of catching COVID-19 and Services and Seniors, for Queenslanders may persist on surfaces for a few hours
of spreading it: in self-quarantine due to COVID19. If or up to several days. This may vary
• Clean your hands with soap and you require assistance please call the under different conditions (e.g. type
water for 20 seconds, or use an Community Recovery hotline of surface, temperature or humidity of
alcohol-based hand rub/sanitiser. 1800 173 349. the environment). If you think a surface
• Cover your nose and mouth with a The Queensland Government is also may be infected, clean it with a common
tissue when coughing and sneezing partnering with the Australian Red Cross, household disinfectant to kill the virus
or use your elbow, not your hands to ensure people have access to support and protect yourself and others. Clean
• Avoid close contact with people during their period of self-quarantine. your hands thoroughly. Avoid touching
unwell with cold or flu-like This service includes a regular telephone your eyes, mouth, or nose.
symptoms, and stay home if you call to check-in on the person’s wellbeing
have these symptoms. and to identify any practical support they
• Avoid touching your face and avoid may need help with. GET THE LATEST
shaking hands with others. People who are self-quarantined must Visit these government sites for
• Try to maintain a distance of 1.5 call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) for further the latest information and updates:
metres from others as much as advice and to register for support.
possible, and avoid crowded places. Staff at 13 HEALTH can connect people
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