Page 34 - Tropic Magazine Issue 223
P. 34
The importance of
being positive
In the face of uncertain times
for us all, Eva Grabner from
Elite Executive highlights the
power of positivity.
Words: Eva Grabner
A persons ability to deal with uncertainty ability to generate a feeling of certainty
is influenced by many factors. Those who in yourself when nothing in the
are more mature or older may be able environment supports you
to deal with uncertainly better because Here are some ideas which may help:
they have experienced uncertainty in the
past and have made it through and trust 1 Take a moment. Reflect on things that Tony Robbins Pic. Brian Solis
that things will turn out okay or perhaps you are grateful for. This is a powerful
the way they’re supposed to. Those that tonic for your mood. Take the time Harvard dropout and Disney was fired
practice a faith or religion may also be to write down three things that you from a newspaper because ‘he lacked
comfortable in uncertain times because are grateful for at the end of each day. imagination and had no good ideas.’
they have a higher power to look to. We all have at least three things to What??? Imagine the world without
Putting all that aside, a person’s ability be grateful for - health, roof over our either of them?
to deal with uncertainty depends not head, food on the table, friends, etc. Remember you are the one who chooses
so much on external circumstances Surround yourself with positive how to respond to events outside your
but on what they allow themselves 2 people. Moods are contagious. Turn
to think about. Our thoughts create off that TV, stop reading negative
our experience of life - worried news stories and instead talk with
thoughts create worried feelings whilst people who know and love you and The power of positive
hopeful or optimistic thoughts create are ultimately positive people. Be with
hopeful feelings. Of course, there are people who will make you feel good. thinking is the ability
circumstances out of our control that to generate a feeling
can cause worry and distress: natural 3 Take care of yourself physically. No
disasters, unexpected death, financial matter whether you enjoy walking, of certainty in yourself
security and at the moment; a pandemic. cycling, are a gym junkie or just hate when nothing in the
Yes, even though these events are out of any form of exercise, it is essential to
our control, we DO have control over our do something. It is well documented environment supports you
reaction. Our reality equals our thoughts. that if you feed your body you will feed Tony Robbins
I am a firm believer that attitude is your mind. When we are tired and run
everything. Maintaining a positive down we are more vulnerable to lower-
outlook is essential during times of crisis. quality thinking. Eat well, sleep and control. Recognise that in life and
For example, rather than focusing on exercise, trust me, it helps! business, a fair amount of surprises will
things that ‘may happen’ have a look at the Don’t get me wrong, we all have good cross your path, and some may come with
good things already in your life. Today. days and we all have bad days, but it’s immense challenges. When that happens,
Be grateful for it. The benefits of staying how you respond to the bad days that remember: Stop. Think. Decide. Only you
positive through uncertainty are not just matter. Do you just give up, or just keep can make a conscious decision to take a
about feeling better - they will impact the on pushing through? There are numerous more effective course of action.
outcome. You will be better able to seek examples out there of people who have
support from others when you remain fallen time and time again but kept trying
positive, as people tend to gravitate to eventually become a success.
towards positive people. Two that immediately come to mind are MORE:
The power of positive thinking is the Walt Disney and Bill Gates. Gates was a
34 • Tropic • Issue 23