Page 26 - Tropic Magazine Issue 223
P. 26


         TOP TRIPS FOR 2021                                                   Don’t miss swimming with wild,
                                                                              inquisitive sea lions whose comical
         Coral Expeditions takes guests to                                    antics are a highlight of visiting this
         some oft he world’s most beautiful                                   remote archipelago.
         and remote regions of Australia,                                     Next visit March 2021,
         the Asia-Pacific, and the Indian                                     Coral Geographer
         Ocean islands. Here they have
         shortlisted 15 highlights, in no
         particular order.              3   Trobriand Islands,
                                            Papua New Guinea
                                            Strung across the Solomon Sea east
                                            of mainland Papua New Guinea, the
                                            four main islands of the Trobriand
                                            Islands are home to around 12,000
                                            Melanesian people who retain strong   6  Avenue of Baobabs,
                                            cultural traditions little-changed for   Madagascar
                                            hundreds of years.                Lining a dirt road on the outskirts
                                                                              of Morondava, the Avenue of the
                                            Don’t miss lively and colourful
      1  Alphonse Islands, Seychelles       dances. Trobianders are fiercely proud   Baobabs is one of Madagascar’s most
         The Alphonse Atoll is one of three   of the skill of their dancers and the   famous attractions.
         extraordinarily beautiful islands (St   beauty of their elaborate traditional   Don’t miss viewing the magnificent
         Francois and Bijoutier Islands are the   finery.                     trees at sunrise or sunset.
         other two) in the southern Seychelles.
                                            Next visit September 2020,        Next visit February 2021,
         Don’t miss the slow-moving giant    Coral Adventurer                 Coral Geographer
         tortoises grazing on grass or foraging
         amongst low foliage.
         Next visit January 2021,
         Coral Geographer

                                        4   Sulawesi, Indonesia            7  Port Davey, Tasmania
                                            The mountainous island of Sulawesi   Port Davey and adjacent Bathurst
                                            is Indonesia’s fourth largest and has a   Harbour in southwest Tasmania
                                            diverse culture, intriguing history and   are one of the world’s great
                                            abundance of wildlife.            wilderness areas and part of a
      2  Raft Point, Kimberley,             Don’t miss the ancient hanging burial   World Heritage Area.
         West Australia                     sites of Torajaland, where wooden   Don’t miss viewing one of the
         Raft Point is home to an extraordinary   effigies keep watch         last habitats of the seriously
         rock art gallery and is located on one
         of the world’s most remote coastlines   Next visit Various dates in 2020 & 2021,   endangered orange bellied parrot,
                                                                              which migrate from Victoria to
                                            Coral Adventurer
         where there are no roads and towns,
         with the only access by sea.                                         breed each year.
                                                                              Next visit January to March each
         Don’t miss learning about the spiritual                              year, Coral Discoverer
         significance of Indigenous rock art
         through a guided interpretive tour with
         a traditional owner.
         Next visit April to August each year
         Coral Adventurer, Coral Discoverer,
         Coral Geographer
                                        5   Abrolhos Islands,
                                            West Australia
                                            An archipelago of 120-odd low-
                                            lying islands and coral reefs off   8  Triton Bay, West Papua,
                                            West Australia’s mid-north coast,   Indonesia
                                            the Abrolhos Islands are home to a   Triton Bay cuts a swathe into the
                                            population of inquisitive sea lions.  ‘neck’ of West Papua’s Bird’s Head
                                                                              peninsula and is renowned as a

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