Page 42 - Tropic Magazine Issue 22
P. 42
should you choose to divorce. Gather your
personal documents including passport,
bank statements, your will, insurance
policies, tax returns, superannuation
statements, and company documents
including financial statements
and tax returns.
Separation checklist CONSIDER YOUR LIVING
ADVICE Although deciding who should move
Catherine Ross at Cairns Family can be a difficult decision to make, it is recommend you to the right counsellor
important that you have this discussion
Law Group has put together an with your partner. You should discuss in your area.
expert checklist to assist the who wishes to remain living in the home, SEE A FAMILY LAWYER
separation process. if you intend to sell the property or if one It is highly recommended that you get
family law advice early from a family
person wishes to buy the other out.
SECURE BANK ACCOUNTS lawyer to ensure you protect your rights
Contact your bank if you are concerned UPDATE YOUR WILL AND POWER and can make informed decisions. The
your money may be withdrawn or OF ATTORNEY earlier, the better, as a good family lawyer
transferred by your former partner Separation does not make your will will be able to give you strategic advice
without your knowledge or consent. or power of attorney void. You should to help you to navigate your way through
Put in place measures such as joint consider reviewing and changing your the family law minefield in the most cost-
signatures on withdrawals to ensure your will and power of attorney if they no effective way possible.
home loan cannot be withdrawn without longer align with your wishes. If you need advice on what to do after the
the signature of both parties. Close any LOOK AFTER YOURSELF breakdown of the relationship, our family
joint bank accounts and open a bank Separation is an emotional process. Make lawyers can help you. Contact us to book
account in your sole name. a consultation for initial advice for your
sure that you have support from your
TAKE NOTES/GATHER DOCUMENTS tribe - your family and friends. It is often family law matter.
Make note of your separation date. You will a good idea to arrange some counselling
need to advise places such as Centrelink with a professional who is experienced in MORE:
and Medicare and it is also relevant assisting people through divorce. We can to book an appointment online.
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42 • Tropic • Issue 22