Page 88 - Tropic Magazine Issue 19
P. 88
All the good vibes
The CPAC Open Day was an outstanding success, with Meet Eat Repeat
on Florence and live music transforming the precinct into a hive of
amazing activity.
It would be hard to imagine a more perfect up restaurants and food vans set up on
day. At the CPAC Open Day on June 22, the Florence Street with queues of people
sun was shining, the food was sizzling, forming at 3.30pm for the 4pm opening
the live music was strumming and the of Meet Eat Repeat on Florence and
back-of-house tours were fascinating. Music in the Parklands in Munro Martin
It all came together at the CPAC Open Parklands.
Day, with over 7500 people attending Attendance peaked at an estimated
throughout the event. 4500-5000 at one time across the precinct
It all started with self-guided tours of as the Cairns sky lit up with a spectrum
CPAC kicking off at 11am, with over 4500 of vivid oranges and purples for a
people wandering through the theatres spectacular sunset. Three local bands had
and backstage areas. People took the the opportunity to perform in front of an
opportunity to be in the spotlight on stage attentive audience and set the mood for
and sing or joke on the open mic. CPAC the headline act of Pete Murray which
staff were in key locations explaining the culminated in a perfect tropical night in
features of the theatre spaces and even Cairns.
demonstrating how fly lines are used. A new standard has been set for what
Between noon and 4pm, a range of pop- Cairns culture is all about.
Ready for the next
Meet Eat Repeat?
Keep an eye on
for a big
announcement about
our next event at
Paradise Palms.
88 • Tropic • Issue 19