Page 53 - Tropic Magazine Issue 18
P. 53


            OF SINNERS

            Tropic takes a peek inside the city’s
            most controversial - and popular -
            parties of the annual events calendar:
            the Sinner’s Ball at Gilligan’s.

            The year was 2007, and Rhiannon   two years after that first event to stop
            Johnson wanted something a little   using the trademarked name “Saints and
            different as a theme for her birthday   Sinners” at the event. The controversy of
            party, something a bit kinky, a bit extra.   the name and the fact that locals weren’t
            She had missed out on the naughty fun   entirely sure of what we were creating
            of the Hooker’s Balls in the 1990s, held   has helped us become the Sinners event
            at the iconic Playpen Nightclub on the   it is today. That legal drama in 2011 was
            corner of Lake and Hartley Sts which   the birth of the controversial brand
            closed down before she turned 18.   and extremely popular night of kinky,
            Inspired by tales of the hedonistic event,   naughty fun.
            Rhiannon created a party with the theme   “That year Zac Ross joined the team
            of “Sinners and Saints Ball” and held it   and helped the event grow from a
            at the now closed Sporties Nightclub.   themed party to a multi-faceted night
            It was a hit with her circle of mates, but   of entertainment, DJs and mega
            Rhiannon could have no idea at the time   headliners with acts lined up around
            that her birthday party would spark one   the block to be part of our night, which
            of the city’s biggest - and naughtiest -   has included big names like Bombs
            annual events.                   Away, Tigerlily, Alison in Wonderland
            Fast forward to 2019 and Rhiannon is the   and many more over the years.
            Venue Business Development Manager   “The event evolved from sexy to freaks
            at Gilligan’s Nightclub - the host of this   unleashed as each year we wanted
            year’s 10th anniversary celebration of   to shock people and bring in things
            Sinner’s Ball.                   you just don’t see everyday, like the
            The rollercoaster ride from the first   Hook Show we put on in 2012 hanging
            Saints and Sinner’s Ball at Gilligans in   humans from our ceiling by nothing
            2009 to this year’s 10th anniversary event   but giant fishing hooks to things like
            has been a controversial one.    Miss Nude.
            “In 2009, I was working for Gilligan’s   “We’ve also had the controversy of our
            and we were looking to create a night   street promo where nuns hit the streets
            with the same vibe as our New Year’s   every year to bring everyone down to the   through our doors during the course of
            Eve party but for the middle of the year,”   venue for confession under the tagline   the evening,” Rhiannon said. “We can’t
            Rhiannon told Tropic.            “Forgive us: you are going to SIN.”  wait for people to come inside and see
            “We got together as a team to bring   In a neat twist of fate, Rhiannon and   what shocks and surprises we’ve got in
            this concept alive at Gilligan’s. Gus   Gus have been reunited as a team at   store for them.
            Fernandez and I hosted the first Saints   Gilligan’s this year to organise the 10-
            and Sinners Ball that year.”     Year Anniversary together.         MORE: Check out the Gilligan’s
            From the beginning, the event    “This event sits side by side with New   Facebook page for event details
            attracted controversy.           Year’s Eve as our biggest night of the   and ticket bookings.
            “We were sent a cease and desist order   year, seeing approximately 3000 people
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