Page 13 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 13


                                      Scene Around  Tropic profiles an amazing image from the Tropical North

                                              Location: I rarely shoot outdoors, as   and others just because they look
                                              my creations mostly happen in post-  different is a wonderful challenge.  My
                                              production. The necessity of having a   shoots last an evening including drinks,
                                              clear studio shot with props and makeup   food, talks, and lots of giggles discussing
                                              artists on set is the best option for   the fun things we can set up next. So, a
             Scene Around                     my ‘mediting’ (editing + meditation =   creative party in other words!
                                              mediting). This particular shot was taken
             Q&A                              in my studio at home in Manoora. I doubt   I love this shot because: It represents
             with photographer                I’ll work with polystyrene bubbles again   that exact category of the “weird and
                                                                                wonderful”! During the shooting
                                              as they’re found in the studio weeks after!
             Marc Steiner                                                       process, the photographers collectively
                                              Challenges: I am a socialite. I like to   explore different angles, lights, settings
               Check out Marc on              work in a team to manifest the weird and  or poses. The study and selection
               Instagram                      wonderful. The artists, photographers,   in front of the monitor (during my
                                              MUA’s and models I work with are just
                                                                                mediting) is often driven by my
                                              as interested to bypass the norm of   current mood and I select the image
               Model: @soulful_siren          what and how photography is generally   that ‘speaks’ to me the most. Those
               MUA: @angela_janlyons          being seen and presented (e.g. images   polystyrene bubbles can represent
               Photo title:                   of sunsets, palm trees, or landscapes). I/  many things, but we all have different
               Bubbles, No Troubles           We don’t do this at all. Creating concept   views on art. I’ll let the viewers have
                                              shoots, some with a ‘deeper’ meaning   their own interpretation, enjoy!

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