Page 10 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 10


                         As we were putting the final touches on   and results. The narrative in every other
                         this edition, I got a call from Mark Davie,   conversation lately is the same and it goes
                         CEO of Crystalbrook Collection. He had   a bit like this:
                         been in meetings with Tourism Minister
                         Kate Jones the day before, at about the   1. Raise more money and sort out the
                         same time as Tropic was causing a stir with   messaging to promote the destination
                         our online story about the old boy’s club of   properly.
                         leadership in this city.           2. Fix the CBD to help save retail
                         Mark and I come from opposite ends of   and restaurants while improving the
                         the business spectrum - I don’t oversee   experience of tourists and locals alike.
                         hundreds of millions of dollars worth of   3. Brand our city for its livability and sell it
                         hotel investments across Australia, for   down south to boost our population.
                         example. But we’re on the same page when  4. The leadership group needs to do a
                         it comes to Cairns. Where’s the leadership?  better job of telling the story of the city’s
                         Who’s developing the strategy and budget   vision to bring the rest of us along for the
                         to execute the city’s growth? Why isn’t   journey.
                         there more urgency to boost tourism and
                         our economy?                       We’re doing our bit in the private sector,
                         To be blunt, we’re at a bit of a crossroads.   working our arses off, employing people,
                         The city needs a shake up. We need some   innovating and investing for growth.
                         new leadership, or at the very least we need  We need politicians and lobby group
                         the current leadership to tell us their vision  leaders to step up and do a better job
                         and start delivering. Representatives at all   alongside us, or step aside so someone
                         levels of government and all of the many   else can.
                         lobby groups, what’s going on?
                         I’ve been in politics. It’s not an easy game.
                         Everyone who hasn’t put themselves
                         out there for a leadership role or won an
                         election is quick to criticise and belittle
                         those who have. Because of my experience
                         as a state MP and assistant minister - my
                         successes and failures - I can speak with
                         more insight about it than most. My view   Gavin King
                         is that Cairns is divided, lacking direction   [email protected]
                         and suffering from a lack of vision,
                         identity and purpose. As an outsider,   PS: If you’re a business owner with
                         Mark Davie shares the same view. So do   an opinion, drop me a line (gavin@
                         local business owners I talk to. Young and to chat about a
                         old, large and small. We all agree Cairns   plan to brand our city and boost our
                         needs leadership, direction, vision, action   population.

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