Page 39 - Tropic Magazine Issue 16
P. 39
amount of calories will vary depending
on your level of physical activity. TROPIC HEALTH
Next comes your sleep. It’s important to
allow your body enough time to rejuvenate,
which happens during sleep. Around eight We’re expanding our coverage in other parts of the world. Our
hours is good for most of us. For some, it of all things health and well- new health section will feature
might include switching off the computer being in Tropic Magazine, with a advice, news and profiles of
and mobile phone and leaving these vision to be the go-to platform practitioners, businesses and
gadgets in the living room or the office. for this vital sector in the trends and we’d love you to be
Moderate exercise should also be part of Tropical North. Health is our part of it. Contact us if you’ve
a detox program. These simple lifestyle region’s biggest employer, and got some healthy news to share,
changes might go a long way to achieving the city is entering an exciting or want to find out how we
better organ function and energy levels.
phase with major funding can help promote your health-
announcements for our public related brand or business.
WHAT NEXT? hospital and increasing demand Talk to Tim on 0418 671 379 or
Still feel like you’re not at your personal for our research and expertise email [email protected]
best? Consider some medicinal herbs
which are known to support certain
organs and processes, including Black
Pepper, Dandelion Root, Rhubarb Root
and many more. You need to be careful
however. Many of these herbs are quite
powerful and may not agree with you
or could interfere with prescribed
medication or medical conditions. If you
have a medical condition, please always
check with your doctor first.
If you have a lot of roadblocks to fix, you
might need six-to-eight weeks. If you
are already health-conscious, you might
be able to give all your organs a bit of a New recruits
polish for a couple of days or one week.
The Cairns and Hinterland Hospital placements at both the Atherton
and Health service has welcomed and Mareeba Hospitals during each
TO SUMMARISE 51 interns as part of its annual rotation.
There is no one-size-fits-all detox pill junior doctor program. The medicos The health service’s acting executive
or program and it won’t work without will spend the year rotating director of medical services, Dr Don
some sacrifice. Done mindfully, with through a variety of units, including Martin, said the program, introduced
enthusiasm and consistency, detoxing general medicine, surgery, in 1998, sees the majority of interns
can help you achieve your personal best. emergency medicine and elected staying on after their initial 12 months.
As American tennis great Arthur Ashe specialised areas. “We do have a very high retention
once said: “Start where you are. Use For the first time, the 2019 cohort rate, even though we’re far away from
what you have. Do what you can.” will benefit from new placements Brisbane and the southeast corner,
Your’s, at Babinda Hospital and the Royal there’s a lot to attract medical staff to
Dr Alex Flying Doctor Service, as well as this area,” he said.
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