Page 38 - Tropic Magazine Issue 16
P. 38


                                            to keep it away from your organs. These   excretes toxins by sweating. In order to
                                            strategies happen on a cellular level all   detox, we need the blood as a transport
                                            the time and require a lot of different   medium, the liver and the kidneys as
                                            nutrients and minerals for each cell to   filters plus good elimination channels
                                            do its job. Before you start a detox, it is   such as urine (kidneys), poo (bowel) and
                                            therefore extremely important to make   sweat (skin). We need all these organs
                                            sure you are not suffering from any   working together to effectively eliminate
                                            nutritional deficiencies. In particular,   toxins from the body. There’s no point
           Let’s talk about detox           check your levels of iron, Vitamin B12   working really hard to mobilise stored
                                                                             toxins from organ tissue if the liver is
                                            and magnesium.
           ADVICE                                                            already collapsing under its normal
                                                                             workload. So, depending on your
           In our new regular column, Dr                                     individual situation, you might need to
           Alex Bernhardi outlines some                                      pay attention to these areas first before
           simple strategies for detoxing.                                   you can go one level deeper.

           WHAT IS DETOXING?                                                 BACK TO BASICS
           “To detox” literally means to get rid                             When starting a detox, identify any
           of toxins. Technically, a toxin is a                              habits that are overburdening your body
           poisonous substance produced within                               right now. Alcohol? Sweets? Cigarettes?
           living cells or organisms. In our   ORGANS                        Fast food? For a detox to work you’ll
           everyday language, however, a toxin can   The organ that first comes to mind when   need to stop these habits. There’s just
           be any substance that interferes with   thinking about detoxing is probably the   no point trying to help your liver while
           the optimal function of your organs,   liver. The liver filters and eliminates all   drowning it in alcohol or greasy oils.
           including natural waste products your   fat-soluble toxins and sends them into   Secondly, you need to map out a healthy
           body produces as well as dietary and   the bowel for excretion. But it’s not the   diet that works for you. It might mean
           environmental toxins such as alcohol,   only organ in our system involved in toxin   drinking lots of water or eating easily
           artificial food additives, heavy metals   removal. The remaining water-soluble   digestible whole foods, such as soups
           and other environmental contaminants.   toxins in your blood go through the   from root vegetables. However, you
           Your body has natural strategies to   kidneys and get excreted through urine.   should not feel hungry during a detox
           remove toxins from your blood and tries   The skin is also an important organ that   as this places stress on your body. The

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