Page 39 - Tropic Magazine Issue 13
P. 39
Lauren Tapp
Stephen Crowe Michelle Traill
that human element when managing a need to engage an expert to do it for There is definite confidence and with
recruitment process. them. For senior or executive roles in various projects moving forward, we
Ultimately, it comes down to listening. particular, it’s a very delicate process are extremely busy in the executive,
Listening to what our client actually as we are juggling so many balls in the finance and engineering fields
needs and matching the right people air, from possible relocation to family especially.
to not only the role but to the business situation, salary, company, industry,
and the environment. I refuse to waste motivators, and more. Employers
my clients time by sending them are realising that it’s not just a tick- Eva’s top 3 tips for employers
resumes that don’t fit their brief. box process anymore and finding 1. Ask yourself if you are an
candidates with skills is one thing employer of choice - if not, why?
What do you love about working in but finding someone who will be the What can you do now to improve
recruitment? right fit for an organisation or a team that image?
Where do I start? I am absolutely is essential. Ensuring that whomever 2. What can you offer quality
passionate about what I do! I work is brought into a business will bring candidates over your competitors?
alongside some fantastic companies, skills and an attitude of growth and not It isn’t always a higher salary that
from small family-run businesses one of destruction is so important to people look for. Many candidates
to international conglomerates, I success. Then there are the employers want to work for a business that
get such satisfaction from sourcing who need to ensure that the right values it staff via further education
amazing leaders for our clients and on-boarding process is in place and or training, extra time off or flexible
then seeing them thrive. Every single that new employees are given every hours
day is different and when working with opportunity to succeed in their new
people, it’s always interesting. I work role. 3. Make a list of skills and
with some pretty amazing people who experience that is essential and
are experts in their field. Each day is a How do you read the Cairns economy those that are desirable. Not
new learning experience and I wouldn’t at the moment and where do you see it everyone will fit into every box but
trade it for anything! going over the next 12 months? may have skills that will benefit
I have seen definite growth in the other areas of your business.
Do employers look for different economy in the past year and especially Think outside the square when
qualities and attributes of new staff in 2018. In the past, the majority of our interviewing!
compared to years gone by? placements have been from Brisbane or
I think employers are realising that Melbourne, but this year we have been MORE:
in order to source quality staff, they extremely busy in the Cairns market.
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