Page 75 - Tropic Magazine Issue 13
P. 75
Your healthy habits
So here we go, run through this list and tick off what you have got going on,
and note down where you might need some extra focus.
Food choices are based around mostly healthy choices (about 80%).
Lots of colourful vegetables, some fruit, some lean meats, whole
fibrous grains, protein rich dairy and healthy fats.
Habit forming ideas No foods are banned and foods are not labelled as ‘good’ ‘bad’ or ‘toxic’.
Favourite foods, whatever they may be, are enjoyed on a semi-regular
Cairns dietician Harriet Walker basis, without feeling guilty. There is no failure if it’s a part of your
from Athletic Eating highlights regular diet!
9 habits of people who maintain A large proportion of food is prepared at home and healthy convenient
a fit body all year ‘round. options are on hand at home and the workplace.
I’ve talked to a LOT of people about Food is not part of your identity. The way you eat is simply what is
nutrition. I’m talking in excess of enjoyed and what supports your training and lifestyle, and is unlikely to
300 people divulging their deepest, be a major topic of conversation.
darkest (and tastiest) food confessions.
To be quite honest, I frequently leave Sleep is prioritised over binge watching television or scrolling through
consultations wondering why I hadn’t social media (preferably 7-8 hours of sleep).
thought about breaking up a block of
Kit Kat into Nutri-Grain and honey Coffee is enjoyed, but not relied upon to get through the day (see
macadamias for the ultimate ‘trail mix’ above point).
to Netflix and chill with (please don’t try Alcohol is enjoyed, but not essential to have a good time, to deal with
this at home folks or serious addiction issues or to destress.
may ensue).
So, while you ponder that tasty Exercise is enjoyable and done regularly, not as a punishment, but
combination, I also want to share as a lifestyle.
some of the more healthful things I
have learn from my clients. Not only Training or planned exercise is seen as important for achieving goals,
how they reached their goals, but how but missing a session due to illness, injury or to connect with other
they maintained them. We all have the doesn’t cause you distress.
capacity to hang tight for 8 weeks while
cutting out all joyful foods, but to be
honest, I think the REAL skill is being After perusing that list, you can now ask And it’s not about feeling bad about your
able to sit in a room with donuts, mini yourself the question “How did I go?”. current situation. Life happens, and at
sausage rolls or salt and vinegar chips For anyone who has ever embarked on any one time, you might drop the ball,
and not feel like there is a vortex pulling a diet and failed, some light bulbs may even if you know what you should be
you face-first into the plate. be coming on as to why this is the case. doing. It’s more about awareness, and
I have compiled a tick box activity You see, health and fitness are HABITS. doing what you can, when you can, so
that you can run over, based on the You cannot expect habits of a lifetime to you are not always starting from square
habits of the people who successfully disappear after a week of ‘being good’. one. If there is something on the list that
maintain a healthy and functional By no means is this an exhaustive list, you think is keeping you from reaching
body year-round, and who still manage but just the more common habits I have your goals AND keeping the results, you
a beer or burger on the regular. Yes, observed in my most successful clients. know help is only one conversation away.
these people exist. And I promise you,
they are not the people who introduce
themselves with their preferred eating
style (example: “Hi, I’m Sarah and I am
You will note there is very little to do
with food here, it’s more about attitude
and perspective. Because success in
anything is usually correlated with
attitude and perspective. If you chase
quick fixes, you get weak results.
Whereas strong foundations lead to
unfaltering results!
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