Page 74 - Tropic Magazine Issue 13
P. 74
Coaching change
Tropic meets Mike Kelly, the
fresh new face of coaching at
the Cairns Taipans.
It was the basketball turnover that
nobody saw coming – the changing of
the guard, and the introduction of the
first new head coach of Cairns’ national
sporting franchise, the Taipans, in
almost a decade. After winning the NBL thoughtful and engaging. And it all just
Championship with United, renowned fell into place.”
assistant Mike Kelly put his hand up to Originally from Southern California,
come to Cairns, and start something Mike’s career has taken him from
new in the Far North. stints as a player with South East
Defeating the Adelaide 36ers in a five- Melbourne Magic, Victoria Titans,
game series earlier this year meant Townsville Crocodiles and Wollongong
Kelly had won an NBL Championship Hawks to a spot in the coaching ranks
as both a player and as a coach, and was with the Hawks.
more than ready to be at the helm of a Next, he returned home to the United
team. He knew the competition inside States, and crafted his coaching trade
and out, and also had the proof that he at universities Vanguard and Utah in the gym with the likes of Nate Jawai,
knew how to win on both sides of the Valley, only to be lured back to the NBL Alex Loughton and Kuany Kuany, all
white line. by his former team in Townsville to while flying in between Cairns and
“It’s been a long journey for me,” assist Head Coach Shawn Dennis. From Melbourne to pack up the family home.
admitted Kelly, reflecting on his 28- there, he moved to Melbourne to be an “Honestly, it’s a juggling act right now
year career in the league. “I’ve had assistant to both Dean Demopoulos and – packing boxes, changing addresses,
discussions with other NBL teams in Dean Vickerman, and was a key part of cancelling electricity and everything
the past, but the situation in Cairns just the brains trust over the course of three that comes with starting new
felt right. Of course, the opportunity years as he built upon his impressive somewhere different,” he laughs. “But
to come up here and start something coaching acumen. I’m kind of in attack mode. This has
new was appealing, but then the entire Kelly was appointed Head Coach of been a long time coming for me, and
process with the Club was so positive, to finally have this opportunity – to go
the Taipans in March, with the club
announcing that he was selected over out and build a team, talk to guys who
coaches with NBL, NBA, NBA G-League I want to coach, and find players that
and EuroLeague experience. can help the Taipans… it’s fun. I’ve been
Kelly has already hit the ground waiting for this, and next season is just
running. Behind closed doors, his around the corner.”
off-season already consists of late
nights watching game tapes, scouting MORE:
potential recruits; and early mornings
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74 • Tropic • Issue 13