Page 66 - Tropic Magazine Issue 12
P. 66
and council corruption investigations play out, I wonder if this you’re at work you are absorbed by it and the people around you
Nikki combination of factors may be the catalyst for city dwellers to and don’t wish the day away.
Huddy re-evaluate a move to the regions. It is clear that many You speak with the people you work with and know something
‘personal’ about your colleagues.
Australians have lost faith in our major institutions, government
Managing Director and non-government. I wonder if this lack of faith will result in You don’t stop learning.
PLANZ Town people placing more importance on community, on knowing Something, somewhere got sacrificed to be where you are today.
Planning who you’re doing business with, knowing your banking or You feel like you make a di ference to something, some being or
financial advisor and being able to talk to people face-to-face. someone in the role you do.
Social city I know everyone in Cairns loves their lifestyle, including more And, most importantly…
You take pride in your work. I guarantee that if you don’t, it’s not
a fordable housing and (relatively) low congestion, and we value
city without people would just be an empty collection of being part of a community where we know and can talk to the correct profession for you. In the words of Steve Jobs: “Your
roads and buildings. Social connection – meaningful, people face-to-face. If the banking royal commission and other work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to
positive interaction – is the vital ingredient that transforms inquiries are the catalyst for people in larger cities to think the be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the
roads, buildings and people into a place with character and same, we could see some longer lasting regional growth. only way to do great work is to love what you do”.
culture. MORE: MORE:
e success of the temporary closure of the Esplanade during
the Commonwealth Games, Lake Street for Chinese New Year
and Collins Avenue for Father’s Day are great examples of what
happens when we think of streets as being for people rather
than cars. ey become interesting, safer to use. Streets are
places for connecting with others – for playing, for sharing
food, for talking, shopping, watching the world go by, and
where growing up I first learnt about the world.
At least a third of all developed land in the CBD is for vehicles
(including parking and streets). Since streets take up so much
space, it is worth thinking about how they are designed and
used – not just in the city, but in our suburbs as well. I know
that when I am behind the wheel, speed is o ten important.
However, when I am walking or in my front yard at home, the
speed of other drivers can be a curse.
Like rooms in a house, streets are used in di ferent ways. A
corridor is a link to other rooms and is a place for moving
through rather than for staying. A lounge room, on the other
hand, is a place for sitting and socialising. It will be furnished
appropriately and thought will be put into the atmosphere
created. Our best streets have shade, seats, landscaping, art,
information about our history, signs for wayfinding and a mix
of businesses.
Streets are already there, so why not experiment with using Megan
them di ferently? omas
MORE: Owner
Shaun How do we know we got it right?
Donaldson s a teenager, we are asked to make the actual decision on
Director A
“what do we want to be when we grow up”. For some it is
Halpin Partners easy, they always knew. While others feel enormous pressure
because, in all honestly, they have no idea.
Some get it right from day dot and others loat in and out of
Regions on the rise? professions, either happily or unhappily. So how do we choose
what’s right for us – or how do we know we got it right? I think
I there is a certain checklist and if you can answer “yes” to the
was in South-East Queensland recently visiting clients in
majority of the points, then one could safely assume “you are
Brisbane and on the Gold Coast. My trip from Brisbane to the
Gold Coast, which used to take an hour, took well over what you wanted to be when you grew up”.
two-hours. ere were no accidents, it wasn’t a Friday Here’s my checklist:
a ternoon, it wasn’t even peak hour, just a regular trip between Can you happily tell people what you do?
Queensland’s two biggest cities. Do you get excited by a new challenge at work?
It got me thinking, how much longer will people su fer the Do you smile when your client, consumer, boss, patient, or
congestion and higher housing prices before they start to move customer says “thank you” for the job you did?
to regional areas? People have been saying this for years, and Do you think of starting another profession?
nothing has happened yet. While going to work, leaving the kids/boat/golf clubs/bed/book
As we see the banking royal commission, dual citizenship saga or surf board may not be your most favourite thing, but once