Page 30 - Tropic Magazine Issue 37
P. 30
Brand Designer & Media Manager
ADhesive Communication
Describe your typical day at work.
It’s never the same, apart from my
morning coffee! Marketing agencies are
the ‘behind the scenes’ team that make
other businesses look like superstars.
For a girl who likes structure my day is
always different, from media bookings
to writing the next radio commercial and
design work in between. I love that I can
be across TV, radio and press bookings
while also expressing my creative side by
designing flyers, signage, billboards and What inspires you or gives you energy?
print adverts. Our working week is 8-6 My family: We’re all so different and
four days a week, with a well-deserved support each other to follow our dreams.
break on Wednesdays! My boss, Vanessa: She’s become a dear
friend. We work well together and she
What makes you excited to work inspires me every day.
in your industry? Heels: Slipping on a pair of heels is like
I get excited about the opportunities the my superpower. It gives me energy and
industry offers, the people I get to meet, I instantly feel like I can handle anything.
the conversations I have with clients
and business owners from all different Has anything throughout your career
backgrounds (learning from their surprised you? Good or bad?
experiences, challenges and lessons) I was surprised by the number of
and the events we attend (love getting marketing agencies in Cairns. Originally
dressed up!). a Melbourne girl, I thought that I’d have
to move back or go to a big city to get a
Why is Cairns a great place to work job after my degree. The business world
in your field? in Cairns is bigger than I imagined and
Cairns is a hidden gem for our industry there are so many opportunities for Cairns’ median age is 39 – notably
and there are so many opportunities if creatives like myself. higher than all Australian capital
you put yourself out there! The people are cities, which starts at Melbourne’s
friendly and the weather is amazing. Any advice to your 18-year-old self? median of 30. There’s more that can
Not many people at my age get to say Feel the fear and do it anyway! You learn be done to lure young professionals
that they love waking up each day to go so much by getting out of your comfort to the tropics!
to work. zone, talking to different people and
practicing listening. Source: LGA data, 2021 Census.
What attracted you to ADhesive?
You could say I was poached. As I was If you had to pick an alternative career A podcast or book you recommend?
near the end of my degree, Vee reached path, what would it be? The podcast Darling, Shine! with
out with a position for me. Initially I was Tattoo artist. Chloe & Ellidy.
attracted to do my internship with the
agency, but after my interview, I went Favourite way to sign off the Go-to spot for an office lunch run?
home and told my mum “I have to work work week? Poemphun Thai takeaway next door.
here.” The energy Vee has and the Champagne Friday. We finish at 5pm
office vibe was better than anything and come together as a team to share MORE:
I could imagine. our wins and challenges for the week.
30 • Tropic • Issue 37