Page 27 - Tropic Magazine Issue 37
P. 27
“Many students from around regional EDUCATION
Queensland who moved to Cairns for
tertiary study are hoping to remain in PATRICK PODBURY
FNQ for their first role, while the region Maths & Science Teacher
is also attracting those after Skilled Trinity Anglican School
Regional Migration Visa roles. We must
realise that COVID has given us all a
wake-up call on what’s important to us Describe your typical day at work.
and quality of lifestyle is up there. Arrive at school early to prep for the
FNQ offers that. We have a lower cost of day, before teaching four to five classes. What inspires you or gives
living compared to southern cities and a In the afternoon I do some more prep you energy?
vibrant economy. and provide extra help to students At work, seeing the look on a student’s
“For example, the Maritime Defence Hub before going home. face when they understand something
is super exciting for the region and the for the first time. Outside of work,
flow on effect is going to be enormous. What makes you excited to work in seeing close friends and family achieve
“Cairns is an easy city to establish good your industry? their goals.
contacts and settle into the sports and (Hopefully) having a positive impact on
business scenes. There’s a strong network the students who are in my classes and Has anything throughout your career
of professionals and they are very helping them become better versions surprised you? Good or bad?
welcoming to newcomers.” of themselves. Being a younger teacher, I am surprised at how it doesn’t even
Along with finding a laidback, friendly I am hopeful that I can find common feel like I am working when doing
community in Cairns, young graduates ground/similar interests with my my job.
are also discovering they can be picky students and as a result make learning
when choosing an employer. more relevant to them. Any advice to your 18-year-old self?
It turns out you will need to use
Why is Cairns a great place to work Pythagorean Theorem after you
in your field? graduate high school.
It’s currently a job seeker’s I had never been to Cairns before If you had to pick an alternative career
market for university deciding to relocate here. I am loving path, what would it be?
the opportunity to go for a new
graduates adventure every weekend as it is a nice As a kid I always wanted to be a footy
change of scenery. commentator.
Sally Mlikota
Director What attracted you to Trinity Favourite way to sign off the work
CBC Staff Selection
Anglican School? week?
“University graduates with some As a teacher I want to be the best Takeaway food.
industry specific work experience are for my students. TAS is well known
highly sought after in roles across legal, for its professional development A podcast or book you recommend?
accounting, engineering and marine, as opportunities and high calibre of staff. The book 12 Rules for Life by
well as health,” Ms Mlikota said. It felt like the perfect place to start my Jordan Peterson.
“Graduates are asking for work-life career and further hone my skills.
balance, flexibility to work remotely, TAS students are also known for being Go-to spot for an office lunch run?
a strong sense of culture, appreciation, hard working and diligent learners, Dominos across the road.
and opportunities to advance their career. so being at a school where staff and
“Employers are offering that, as well as students are working cooperatively and MORE:
generous relocation packages.” all striving to be their best is inspiring.
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