Page 15 - Tropic Magazine Issue 37
P. 15


             Dr Sandi Robb
             Cairns Historical Society        A DAY IN THE LIFE
             & Museum
             Collections Manager              Tropic delves into the daily routines and habits of a local identity.

             With decades of experience       6:30am                            Centre or make an enquiry about
             as a history and heritage        Wake up to the dulcet sounds of north   donating items. The Cairns Historical
             consultant, Dr Sandi Robb        Queensland’s morning birds in the   Society and Museum has nearly
             is a valued member of the        forest outside my window. This is a   100,000 items in its collection and
                                              very special time of the day for me, a
                                                                                growing every day.
             Cairns Historical Society &      time to myself, a time to relax before
             Museum team. As Collections      the day gets underway, and a time to   3:00pm
             Manager she looks after the      have an indulgent cup of coffee in bed!   With a wave and a ‘thank you’ I say
             organisation’s 100,000-odd                                         goodbye to the wonderful volunteers
             items and assists academics,     8:00am                            who head out the door for the day.
             journalists and the community    Starting to get my brain ready for the   While we usually work in silence,
                                              day ahead over a bowl of Cornflakes.
                                                                                sometimes there is a terrific buzz of
             alike with their research needs.                                   copiers, pages turning, clicks on the
             Sandi also has a PhD with        9:00am                            computer and laughter as strange and
             James Cook University on the     Arrive at the Cairns Historical Society   engaging things are read out to amuse
             region’s rich Chinese history    ready for a big day. A year ago, I never   us all. When they leave, the room
             and is a founding member and     imagined that I would be identifying   falls silent.
             former president of Chinese      lime spatulas for betel nut,      5:00pm
                                              ceremonial marriage axes, or mourning
             Heritage in Northern Australia   accoutrements associated with Papua   I’m usually at my desk and ‘in the
             Inc. (CHINA Inc.)                New Guinea widows.                groove’: my thoughts are clear and
                                              Yet as I unwrap each item I am    focused. Half an hour and it’s home
                                              enthralled by Joan Winter, Baboa   time although some days I stay longer.
                                              Gallery owner and curator of the
                                              Sihot’e Nioge: When Skirts Become   6:00pm
                                              Artworks exhibition. She patiently   With no TV to distract me, I like to work
                                              teaches me about Papua New Guinea,   on my book on Chinese family history
                                              Melanesian and Polynesian artefacts,   of the 19th and early 20th centuries in
                                              and I listen intently.            north Queensland, which is scheduled
                                                                                to be published mid-next year. It does
                                              12:00pm                           sounds like work, but I find it relaxing.
                                              After 12pm I usually try to grab a bite to   It’s also guaranteed to get me sleepy!
                                              eat. Like the John Paul Young song it is
                                              ‘Yesterday’s Hero’ but I still wolf    10:00pm
                                              it down!                          Time to call it a night and settle down
                                                                                to text with my family. While we live
                                              12:15pm                           all over Australia now, we still keep in
                                              One of the delights of managing   touch nearly every night. So easy to
                                              a community collection is the     virtually be together in so many ways.
                                              opportunity I get to talk to locals
                                              about their families, Cairns history and
                                              diverse communities, as members and
                                              people come in to use the Research    MORE:

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