Page 37 - Tropic Magazine Issue 36
P. 37


                                                      What does it mean to be named
                                                      an ‘Exceeding Centre’?

                                                      In order for a centre to be rated as Exceeding the National
                                                      Quality Standard (NQS), all seven Quality Areas of the Standard
                                                      must be met and four or more must be exceeding it. At least
                 It not only meets the                two of those are obliged to be Quality Areas focused on either
              Queensland kindergarten                 Educational Program & Practice, Relationships with Children,
                                                      Collaborative Partnerships with Families and Communities or
                learning outcomes but                 Governance and Leadership.
               equips children with the               Source: Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority
                 skills and knowledge
                    needed for Prep

                                 Kim Comport  “Qualified and experienced educators   education by allowing them to go on
                                 TAS White Rock   are able to provide high-quality care   regular excursions. Kelly Hart, the TAS
                                 Early Learning   for children, create safe and engaging   Kewarra Beach Early Learning Centre
                                 Centre Director
                                              environments, and encourage children’s   Director, told Tropic the program allows
                                              active engagement in our learning   children to build independence in safe
             “We do this by facilitating and extending   programs. These staffing arrangements   decision-making. “It allows children to
             their learning through a planned and   also allow us to focus on our relationships   explore interactions between people and
             reflective approach that focuses on the   with the children. Our aim here is to   environments,” she said.
             individual strengths, likes and interests   develop relationships with children that   “Through spending time in nature, the
             of each child. We set learning and   are responsive, respectful and promote   children learn and grow, all in a less
             development for children that go above   belonging and sense of self. Relationships   formal setting than a classroom.
             and beyond early literacy and numeracy   of this kind free children to explore the   “We inspire curious learners through
             skills to include social, emotional,   environment and engage in play and   hands-on play and inquiry-based
             cultural, artistic and physical goals.”  learning. We feel it is not enough to create   discovery that promote social, cognitive,
             Higher staffing levels are also what makes  an environment that works for most   physical and emotional development.
             the centres ‘exceed’. “We staff our centres   children – we provide an environment   “Children have the opportunity to learn to
             above and beyond the requirements set   that is cognisant of all children.”   be in control, making their own healthy
             out by government rules and regulations,”  The Bush Kindy program at Kewarra   decisions and facing new experiences
             Kim said.                        Beach also prepares children for primary   with enthusiasm.

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