Page 29 - Tropic Magazine Issue 36
P. 29
Active kids
Tropic’s health columnist Exercise during childhood is important to
Dr Chris Donohue discusses help develop strong bones and maintain 7 ways to get your
healthy weights. Outside of the physical
the trials of getting children benefits, active children have better sleep, child moving
off their screens and into concentration, improved behaviour and
physical activity. are less likely to suffer from anxiety 1 Set screen time limits | This will
and depression. promote more time for physical
During the recent school holidays, I was activity.
reading the newspaper after breakfast How much physical activity should
and happened to peer into the lounge children be getting? 2 Emphasise fun | Try to find a sport
room to see one my daughters watching or activity that your child enjoys
Netflix and my son flicking away • Toddlers to preschoolers should get and support them in engaging in it.
on TikTok. Granted it was school holidays at least three hours of various physical
and time to relax, however I did spiral activities throughout the day from 3 Get outside | Children exercise
to some negative thoughts of failure energetic play. through play. Take your child to
as a parent that we all get from time to the park, beach or skate park, or
time; thoughts of what should I do to • Children aged 5-17 are recommended somewhere they can run, climb
get the kids active and off their screens to get at least 60 minutes each day of and jump.
consumed my mind. moderate to vigorous physical activity.
It prompted me to think about physical 4 Walk and talk | Make a family
activity in children and how important So how did my kids go? We actually went habit of walking after dinner. It’s
it is to ingrain these habits early in our and bought a basketball to take to the a good opportunity for the whole
children’s lives. park and the kids really enjoyed it. family to get some physical
Physical activity in children is decreasing. The funny thing is that they now ask me activity and chat about the day.
One in four children are not getting the to take them to the park instead of the
recommended amount of other way around. I’ve also noticed that I 5 Plan activity days | Try to do a
physical activity. Children who are enjoy it just as much as them! different activity with the family
physically active are less likely to develop every week. Hike, ride or go
conditions such as high blood pressure, Best, canoeing. There are plenty of great
diabetes and heart disease. Dr Chris ways to have both some family
time and exercise.
6 Include other children | Meet with
your children’s friends at the park.
Kids are more active when playing
with other kids and often find it
more enjoyable.
7 Exercise with your child | There
are lots of online resources to help
guide exercise for both parents
and children. @lunchboxworkouts
on Instagram posts exercise
programs daily which you can do
at home with your child.
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