Page 21 - Tropic Magazine Issue 34
P. 21


             Good fats

             Dr Alexandra Bernhardi           Coldwater fatty fish (such as tuna,
             explores the benefits of omega-3  halibut, salmon, sardines and mackerel)   In essence
             fatty acids and provides advice   have the highest amount of omega-3s,   Omega-3s are an important
             on the best sources.             however, eating especially larger fish has   part of our diet and provide
                                              become problematic due to increasing
                                              amounts of heavy metals such as     many health benefits, including
             Omega-3s are types of polyunsaturated   mercury, as well as microplastics found   heart and brain health.
             fatty acids that our bodies cannot make.   in seafood. As a plant-based alternative,
             We need to get them from our food.   seaweed and algae can be consumed in   Omega-3 food sources are
             Omega-3s are synonymous with fish oil,   the form of nori sheets, kelp, dulse and   seeds, nuts, some beans, fish
             however they occur in plants as well.  wakame seaweed.               and sea vegetables.
             There are three forms of omega-3s called   It is worth noting that fish get their
             ALA, EPA and DHA. They are essential    omega-3 content from eating seaweed   Supplements can be beneficial
             to your health and offer several benefits.                           to achieve the recommended
                                              and algae in the first place.
                                                                                  intake, especially for people
             HEALTH BENEFITS                  HOW MUCH DO I NEED?                 who want to avoid fish.
           •  May reduce risk of heart disease  Research suggests adults should have a
           •  Support brain health development  daily amount of 250-500mg of combined   it is as fresh as possible. Supplements
           •  May have immune benefits        omega-3s. A safe upper limit seems to   can come from various sources, either
           •  May help prevent macular degeneration   be 3000mg daily, an amount you would   from fish oil or from seaweed and algae.
             (a disorder of the eye)          usually only achieve with supplements.   A good quality omega-3 supplement can
           •  May help boost your mood                                         therefore be quite expensive. As higher
           •  May reduce symptoms of chronic   CAN I JUST TAKE A               dosed supplements can interfere with
             inflammatory conditions          SUPPLEMENT INSTEAD?              some heart medication, you should
             (such as arthritis)              Most studies showing beneficial effects   consult your GP or cardiologist.
                                              are based on adequate food consumption,
                                              whereas studies examining supplements   BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE TO IT …
             DIETARY SOURCES                  are quite conflicting.           Apart from the amount of omega-3s for
             ALA is found in flaxseeds, chia seeds,   Supplements cannot replace a healthy   optimal health it is important to keep an
             walnuts, edamame and kidney beans.   diet, however they might be beneficial for   eye on the ratio between omega-6 and
             Most people can convert small amounts   some people. If you do consider taking a   omega-3. Omega-6 is found in abundance
             of ALA into EPA and DHA, however these   supplement, make sure it has been tested   in vegetable oils such as sunflower, corn,
             omega-3s can also be found in fish and   for purity and contaminants    soybean and safflower oil.
             sea vegetables such as seaweed and algae.  (Australian brands usually are) and that   Unfortunately, the standard Western
                                                                               diet is giving us way too many omega-6s
                                                                               compared to omega-3s. A healthy ratio
                                                                               is 4:1, whereas many people consume up
                                                                               to 16 times more omega-6 (found in
                                                                               ultra-processed foods). Unfortunately,
                                                                               this sets you up for inflammation.

                                                                               Dr Alex


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