Page 21 - Tropic Magazine Issue 33
P. 21
Nutritional boost
All nuts provide healthy fats and
Tropic columnist Dr Alex antioxidants (especially good for
Bernhardi lists nine staples for brain health), with cashews (which
are technically seeds) boosting your
overall health. zinc, magnesium and iron levels
and almonds providing protein,
If COVID-19 has taught us one thing, magnesium, potassium, and calcium.
then I hope it is the importance of Tip: nuts should be eaten in their
adapting or maintaining a healthy natural form, as roasting can change
lifestyle to reduce the risk of developing the quality of the fats and coatings will
chronic, avoidable diseases like diabetes, add unhealthy sugar and salt.
heart disease and obesity.
By doing so, we are reducing our risk of FLAXSEED
suffering a severe outcome of COVID-19
infection as well as improving our This inexpensive seed provides omega
overall immunity. While superfood 3 fats, fibre and protein and keeps your
supplements are usually expensive bowel habits regular.
and can be quite confusing, integrating Tip: add 1-2 teaspoons every morning GREENS
the following foods in your to your porridge. Grind them before All greens are rich in folate and fibre,
daily diet is relatively easy and eating to absorb the nutrients better. while they add very few calories and are
surprisingly inexpensive. perfect for diabetics as they
ONIONS, GARLIC & don’t raise blood sugar levels.
MUSHROOMS Aim for seven servings of a variety of
All three boost your immunity and help greens per day.
prevent cancer. Tip: Eat some raw as salad and some
OATS cooked as stir fries or in soups.
A wholegrain full of fibre, they can lower TURMERIC, THYME, Eating only raw veggies will exploit
cholesterol and reduce insulin resistance CINNAMON your digestive enzymes while different
(important for blood sugar control). All herbs and spices are real cooking methods will reduce the
Tip: use rolled oats or steel cut powerhouses for your health. content of vitamins.
oats rather than ‘instant’ oats or While turmeric is known to be anti-
pre-packaged sachets. inflammatory, cinnamon and thyme This list highlights a couple of
are supposed to stabilise blood sugar healthy food groups, but not all food
BERRIES levels and improve insulin resistance agrees with everybody. Your GP or
Berries provide lots of minerals, vitamins (important not only for diabetics). nutritionist will help you find adequate
and antioxidants while having a low alternatives should you be intolerant
glycaemic index, which means they have QUINOA to any of them. And please, don’t
try to live on nuts and berries alone
little effect on our blood sugar levels. Quinoa belongs to the group of
Tip: have a bag of frozen organic berries wholegrains/seeds and is high in fibre, – a balance between different food
groups is essential to get a healthy
in the freezer. iron and magnesium. It also contains mix of different macronutrients (fats,
all nine essential amino acids (which protein and carbohydrates), minerals,
BEANS your body cannot produce on its own), vitamins, and phytochemicals.
All varieties of beans and legumes are making it especially valuable for people
high in fibre, protein and calcium. enjoying a plant-based diet. Yours,
They are suitable for diabetics and very Tip: apart from using it as a rice Dr Alex
versatile to use in stews, soups and salads. replacement, quinoa makes the perfect
Tip: always rinse legumes thoroughly, quick and healthy flatbread. Just soak,
start with a small amount and gradually rinse, add water and spices, blend MORE:
increase it over weeks to avoid bloating. and bake.
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