Page 39 - Tropic Magazine Issue 32
P. 39
Home grown
Creating an indoor garden
can have many benefits,
from improving air quality to
boosting mental health.
That’s unless you’re stressing
out about keeping your plants
alive! Horticulturalist and
agronomist Sekti Curmi from
Melsonrock Nursery at White
Rock has given Tropic her top
five indoor plant options Philodendron golden dragon
that look great and require This is a tough, fast-growing climber
minimal care. with deep green foliage and golden
specks. They like bright, indirect light
but can handle low light too.
Sekti says: They need regular slow-release
fertiliser. Don’t purchase tissue-cultured
Calathea orbifolia
A South American prayer plant,
these are stunning with a colourful,
shiny leaf.
Sekti says: Be sure to use free-draining
potting mix and don’t overwater.
Place them in a well-lit position.
Don’t forget
Rhaphis excelsa
Otherwise known as the Lady Palm, Indoor plants can be
they have shiny leaves and can survive toxic for our pets,
long periods indoors in low light. causing everything from
Sekti says: Water weekly and fertilise vomiting to weakness
quarterly. and even death.
Plants to avoid include
Dracaena Sierra Leone
Ficus longifolia aloe vera, philodendrons,
Slow-growing and hardy, these are English ivy, elephant ears,
easy to care for but do require a weekly lilies, dracaena,
water and fertiliser every three months. mother-in-law’s tongue
Sekti says: Dracaena Sierra Leone can and sago palm among
survive a long time indoors and can handle many more.
air conditioning.
Safe plants for pets
Ficus longifolia include parlour palms,
Featuring beautiful, long, narrow green spider plant, string of
leaves of a weeping habit these can be pearls, ficus bambino and
either potted as a bonsai or left to grow bird’s nest fern.
to full height.
Calathea orbifolia
Sekti says: Choose a well-lit position, Tropic tip
water once a week and fertilise when the Check with your local vet
seasons change. and ask your local nursery
for advice.
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