Page 38 - Tropic Magazine Issue 32
P. 38
The Early Learning Centre at MacKillop
Catholic College in Mount Peter is a
simple example of putting this into
practice; a project which had fun, joy, play
and learning front and centre.
Comprising light-filled voluminous
Joyous spaces spaces, it encourages free movement and
learning. Organic timber materials mixed
with curvilinear organic shapes and
ARCHITECTURE It’s partly because the emotions that distinguishing shades of orange activity
each of us experience come from a very zones creates a space which sparks joy for
Architect Sofie Pringle from sophisticated set of bodily systems kids and adults alike.
Peddle Thorp discusses how and processes involving our sensory Activities in each space and social
built environments can be system and its interplay with the interactions play an important part
designed to elicit positive environment. Our eyes, ears, tongue, as well. Nevertheless, the physical
nose, and skin perceive what is going on
underpinning of the place is critical,
emotions. around us and the information elicits an becoming the stage for people to
emotional response. experience emotion and to facilitate
Words: Sofie Pringle
When we know how this works, it’s easy positive social encounters.
Have you ever walked into a space and to modify and design certain spaces so
immediately thought, “I feel great here!”? that they exude joy. When you pair this
Maybe you have felt awe-inspired, with expert knowledge that architects
energised, happy, or even joyous – have – not only of building methods,
but you couldn’t really explain why but the qualities of a space such as colour, A space is a vision turned
or how. It isn’t uncommon to feel an patterns, textures, materials, dimensions into reality. Make your
emotional response to a physical place. and objects then, voila – you have yourself space something that brings
We have interactions with physical the right mix of ingredients to create a
environments every day in our homes, space that leaves you jumping for joy. people there – a catalyst,
on our way to work, places of work, A more universal environment can be a good impression, an
worship, learning and play. If you have designed to suit. Sure, there will always attraction
ever noticed you feel a little different be certain acquired tastes, but generally
when walking through a dark, dull, we find there are some consistencies
monotonous laneway versus a naturally irrespective of individual nuances, such Sofie Pringle
lit space comprising of water, trees, as water and plant elements having Peddle Thorp
and art, you’re not alone. But if this is positive impacts on mood and behaviour.
generally a shared experience, why is it so A much lighter, brighter, and variable
hard to articulate, let alone harness the space feels happier and joyous, too,
knowledge for design and put it to good fostering curiosity and play, which are MORE:
use in our environments? precursors to engaged learning.
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38 • Tropic • Issue 32