Page 22 - Tropic Magazine Issue 27
P. 22
1. Mulgrave River, credit RCCC
2. Canegrower Steve Calcagno on
his farm with a nitrate measuring device
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Canegrowers curb cane farms and into waterways. and you can’t expect farmers to change
water pollution By containing the water for two to three their practices and behaviour unless
they trust the data, are fully informed
days in the Russell-Mulgrave catchment’s
vast network of existing drains, pipes and understand what the issues are and
and channels, natural processes will their impact on the Reef,” RRRC Chief
Local farmers and researchers “denitrify” the run-off and expel the Executive Sheriden Morris said.
from JCU and CSIRO have nitrogen as a gas before the water “That’s what Project 25 has shown; not
only are we excited about the potential
worked together to reduce reaches the rivers. The initiative also to cut and control nitrogen run-off
involved the installation of modern water
nitrate run-off into waterways. quality sensors which collect accurate from cane farms onto the Reef using the
and real-time measurements of nitrate existing and extensive farm drainage
Words: Annabel Bowles concentrations in local waterways; data network, but we’re excited about the fact
that’s then immediately available to local it’s growers who, together with the water
Sugarcane farmers and marine scientists canegrowers via a CSIRO-developed quality scientists, have suggested this as a
have found a new way to protect the long- phone app. practical and viable way to make
term health of the Great Barrier Reef. it happen.”
The Project 25 initiative – funded by Babinda-based canegrower Steve
the Australian Government’s National Calcagno believes farmers have a key role
Environmental Science Program Tropical I see this as the start in helping the Great Barrier Reef recover
Water Quality Hub and coordinated by and revive.
the Cairns-based Reef and Rainforest of a really exciting “By working together and having real
Research Centre (RRRC) – is significantly new chapter figures and nitrogen data we can rely
reducing the amount of damaging on and trust, we can now say – both
nitrogen fertiliser running off sugarcane Steve Calcagno scientists and growers – that besides
farms and into the creeks and rivers Canegrower improving on-farm practices, another
connected to the ocean. part of the solution involves slowing
The flagship four-year partnership This partnership between farmers and the early rain flush down by using our
between over 100 local canegrowers scientists has reduced water pollution drains, channels and natural wetlands
and scientists from both James Cook by over 15%, curbing the damaging differently,” he said.
University and CSIRO found that the algal blooms offshore which flourish on “I see this as the start of a really exciting
first wet season rains in November and nitrates and significantly harm coral reef new chapter.”
December carry nearly half the damaging growth and bleaching recovery.
nitrates from urea-based fertilisers off “You can’t control what you can’t measure, MORE:
Cash for Cairns The proceeds of your post-Christmas
Are your bins brimming clean-up can make for a handy bit of
with cans and bottles this pocket money, or a direct donation to
silly season? a local club, school or organisation.
Palm Tree Recycling also offers a
Luckily, Palm Tree Recycling is here commercial service, which not only
to help reduce the weight of our waste. provides a bottom-line boost to pubs
The local cash-for-cans service has and clubs around the region, but keeps
a new site in Portsmith, joining its a weekly average of 20,000 drink
existing locations in Smithfield containers from entering landfill. MORE:
and Bungalow. Three cheers for recycling!
22 • Tropic • Issue 27