Page 32 - Tropic Magazine Issue 26
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any Queensland postcode – it’s been
a challenging period for all banking
institutions. Their response to this
multi-faceted, complex problem
has drawn praise from the Federal
Government. After meeting with the
heads of the Big Four in late-June,
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said: “The
banks were very clear. They supported
their customers on the way into this Tropic sat down with Elisha to hear in the Far North with 11 Agribusiness
crisis and they will be supporting their more about the NAB team and the and Business Banking Managers, who
customers on the way out. This is how services and support they offer to are supported by a team of Associates,
it should be, all Australians working customers and the broader community. Small Business Bankers and our close
together to get through this crisis.” colleagues in NAB Retail Bank.
More than six months on since the Tropic: Tell us more about the NAB
start of the virus crisis, NAB’s Regional Regional and Agribusiness team here What sets your team and services
and Agribusiness Far Northern in the Far North. apart in terms of service to clients and
Executive Elisha-Vi Raso is calmly Elisha: We have a team of 22 across the the way you do business?
resolute and positive about the future Far North region and collectively we We manage the whole relationship -
of the bank’s local customers and the look after all Corporate, Commercial our offering is the full product suite
broader Tropical North economy. As and Agribusiness clients from Cardwell including business and personal and
the leader of a 22-strong team working to the Torres Strait and right out to the banking needs. One Banking Manager
across the corporate, commercial and Queensland-NT border. We offer full looks after a customer’s entire banking
agribusiness sectors, Elisha told Tropic banking services across all business and needs and this supports the ongoing
her team’s passion for the region and industries, however some of the larger growth of the relationship and all
the businesses operating within it needs the customer may have. Across
has shone through in these troubling NAB, we have people on the ground
times. “Our people set us apart,” Elisha in regional Queensland and we’re
said. “They are all as passionate about Our region’s proximity committed to regional Australia. We’re
the Far North region as our customers always looking to hire locally, including
are. Many of our colleagues are either to Asia presents a placing graduates locally into regional
lifetime Far North locals, or they have great opportunity for Queensland. Our team is made up of
made FNQ their forever home. Being locals who love where they live, and this
invested in the region as locals means agricultural exports translates into the way we do business.
that we live and breathe what we do.” Elisha-Vi
Born in Innisfail, Elisha grew up on Raso The banking sector has played a
the beach at Flying Fish Point and crucial role in supporting businesses
remembers cracking oysters off the during the coronavirus pandemic - tell
rocks, swimming in Polly Creek and specialisations across my team include us what you’ve done to support your
fishing off the beach. After finishing Agribusiness, Property Development clients during this difficult period.
high school at Peace Lutheran College and Commercial Real Estate Many businesses are struggling
in Cairns, she worked in Brisbane, Investment, Professional Services, NGO right now and as the nation’s
London and San Francisco. Elisha and Indigenous Banking, Specialised leading business bank we’re doing
returned to the Far North in 2014 and Transactional Services and Pharmacy what we can to help them get through
took up the leadership role at NAB in and Health. I am fortunate enough to this. We’re working closely with the
February 2019. Her vision for the local have a really diverse and experienced government and broader industry to
NAB Business Banking team is clear: team, with great tenure and banking support our customers through to
continue supporting customers as we expertise. NAB is Australia’s largest the other side of this crisis. The key
all come out of this pandemic and be business bank and as such we have to this is communication with our
the best business bank in Far North a large portfolio of clients and the clients, listening to them and being
Queensland. biggest collective Management team as responsive as possible. In terms
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