Page 13 - Tropic Magazine Issue 26
P. 13


                                            A DAY IN THE LIFE

                                            Tropic delves into the daily routines and habits of a local identity.

                                              7:00am Still somewhat fresh to    3:00pm Mid-afternoon is a good time
                                              Cairns, I haven’t yet adapted to this   to check in with my editor Gavin on our
                                              city’s inclination for ridiculously early   objectives for the rest of the day and
                                              mornings. 7 is probably the earliest I’ll   week. We’ve usually published another
                                              get up, though my alarm starts ringing   story online by now while juggling
              Annabel Bowles                  in five-minute increments at about   numerous others in the pipeline. I’ll
              Journalist                      6.30. The snooze button is my best   take five to check in with my to-do list,
              Tropic Group                    friend.                           chase up on leads, and jot down a few
                                                                                things for tomorrow. It’s also a great
                                              8:00am After a quick shower comes   time to have tea.
              Reading, writing, re-reading.   coffee time. Either a strong long black
              Talking to people of all kinds   made with my Moka pot, or an extra-  5:30pm If I get out of work at a good
              of professions. Trawling        hot almond flat white from Succuliving   hour, I’ll either walk my housemate’s
                                              and Co. across the road. My cup of
                                                                                cattle dog Murphy along the Esplanade
              the internet for news and       Joe is usually paired with avo, dukkah   or go to the gym. I’m usually buzzing
              continually adding to her       and sriracha on toast. Then it’s a quick   in the early evening and itching to
              to-do list. Oh, and coffee.     minute’s walk to Tropic HQ – the joys of   release some energy outside. On
              At least three cups a day.      living a street behind your workplace. I   Fridays I might squeeze in a quick trip
              Annabel does all this           have no excuse to ever be late.   to Rusty’s before picking someplace
                                                                                breezy and balmy to have a knock-off
              and more in her role as a       9:30am By this point I’ve read a lot of   drink with friends. CC’s Alfresco ticks
              journalist and photographer     emails, read even more regional and   that box.
              for Tropic.                     national news, and ideally published
                                              a story on This   7:30pm I’m pretty lucky to share a
                                              usually involves ringing a few people   rental with some of my best mates,
                                              in the community for an impromptu   and we often have a BBQ and a beer
                                              interview, whether it’s a police officer,   outside. Otherwise I’ll do some meal
                                              a café owner, a weather forecaster   prep for the week ahead – the more
                                              or a Federal MP. Thankfully my team   complex and time-consuming the
                                              are equally as enthused over a good   better, and always something spicy.
                                              coffee, and so I have another one (or   The kitchen is my zen zone. After a full
                                              two) in my first hour of work.    day’s work and dinner I don’t often do
                                                                                anything too productive, but I have a
                                              11:30am Each day is different as a   couple of sewing and embroidering
                                              journalist, and my mornings usually   projects on the go.
                                              pass by in a blur. I might be writing
                                              some magazine editorial, out      10:30pm Hopefully by this point I’ve
                                              and about taking photos of local   settled down with a good book and
                                              businesses, or taking a deep dive into   some roobois tea. I’m currently reading
                                              an investigative story. Subbing and   The Space Between by Zara McDonald
                                              proofreading also takes up a good   and Michelle Andrews, though I’m
                                              chunk of time during deadline week.    lucky to get through a chapter before
                                                                                eyeballs call it a day.
                                              1:00pm Lunch is often leftover
                                              vegetarian curry (I make a particularly
                                              good palak paneer) or some sushi next
                                              door if I’m short on time. I’ll spend a
                                              moment responding to family and    CONTACT:
                                              friends back in South Australia too.  [email protected]

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