Page 42 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 42


           Time to buy                      the first time finance application process.
                                            Tara and Ewan are the experienced home
                                            loan team at Cairns Bank and they’re here
           HOME BOOST
                                            to help first home buyers navigate the
           Take advantage of a range of     process of getting into your first home.
           government grants and            You can meet with them (in real life!) and
                                            call them directly (no call centres) and
           incentives to buy your first home   they are happy to help with everything
           with help from Cairns Bank.      from affordability and budgeting through
                                            to finance applications. Finance decisions   First Home Owner Grant
           With the introduction of new government   are made and approved right here in   $15,000
           initiatives, there may never be a better   Cairns, making the application and
           time for first home buyers to dive into the   approval processes simple and fast.  Home Builder Grant
           Cairns property market and live in their   Get in touch with the team at Cairns   $25,000
           own home. Regional-based first home   Bank to move into your own home
           buyers can access up to $45,000 in grants   sooner, without the stress.  Regional Home Building
           and purchase their first home with as little                        Boost Grant
           as 5% deposit.                    TYPE:
           Not surprisingly, these schemes are   in your browser               $5,000
           complex and difficult to navigate, on top of

            Renting matters                                                   they contribute to the social cohesion
                                                                              and economic well-being of our town.
            Recognising and rewarding                                         It’s time to change the attitude towards
                                                                              renters and reward their contribution
            renters as part of International                                  by recognising the individuals who help
            Tenant’s Day 2020.                                                sustain positive tenancy growth in the
                                                                              Tropical North.
            To celebrate International Tenants’                               The community is invited to nominate
            Day 2020 on October 9, the Cairns                                 a tenant who models exemplary
            community will come together to                                   tenancy behavior for a Rental Industry
            recognise and reward tenants who have                             Award. And let’s not forget the housing
            made a positive contribution to the rental                        providers, real estate agents, property
            industry.                                                         managers and private residential
            To mark the occasion, the community   stress and keeping up with changes   landlords who have gone the extra mile to
            can take part in the very first Cairns   to tenancy rights and responsibilities.   support their tenant during these tough
            Rental Industry Award Event (aka   Unfortunately, tenants are often   times. You can nominate them, too, for
            #rentingmatters). Like all of us, tenants   portrayed in a negative light. Too often   excellence in service.
            have experienced immeasurable    thoughts about renters who have
            disruption to their lives due to the   damaged property or fallen behind   For further information and
            COVID-19 pandemic. This is on top of   in their payments dominate the
            other concerns such as communication   conversation. Yet the reality is vastly   nominations, contact Jenny Brown
                                                                                at Tenants QLD on 07 4241 0016 or
            with lessors, affording rental payments   different. Statistics show renters occupy
            at a time of job uncertainty, maintaining   35% of households in Cairns, above the   [email protected]
            a clean tidy property whilst under   Regional Queensland average of 31% and

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                                                                       Since 2006

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                 [email protected] 0439 490 088       [email protected] 0419 796 901

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