Page 50 - Tropic Magazine Issue 22
P. 50
2019 was not a great year for tourism with a decline in visitor
numbers, some local operators experiencing financial difficulties
and the cancelation of international flights (most noticeably
Cathay Pacific’s long running Hong Kong service). The
Whitsunday’s region is experiencing similar issues to Cairns
and has reported similar declines in visitor numbers in 2019,
particularly international visitors. Unfortunately, I cannot see this
improving in 2020. When you overlay recent tourism numbers
Shaun Donaldson with ongoing international trade tensions and pressures on
Director airlines the world over to reduce costs, I see 2020 being another
Halpin Partners tough year, particularly for international visitor numbers. I still
believe longer term tourism will regain its lustre in the region,
2020 forecast particularly once the new Crystalbrook hotels are established.
New year predictions are always fraught with danger. Only the This is an easy prediction to make on the back of several high-
Betoota Advocate in all of its satirical splendour would have put profile retail collapses already for 2020, however I see retail and
together a 2019 column predicting Scott Morrison would be hospitality continuing to be tough in 2020. Last year, many local
Australian Prime Minister and Boris Johnson the UK PM. So, cafes and restaurants closed along with several local and national
rather than make individual predictions, I thought I would focus retail outlets. These closures were driven by cost pressures and
on a few big picture trends that will continue to impact the Cairns changing customer tastes which I expect to remain key drivers in
region in 2020. 2020. Whilst incredibly difficult for businesses in these industries,
these changes are not confined to Cairns but are part of a broader
CLIMATE CHANGE national trend. As has happened in major shopping centres down
No matter your stance on climate change, there is no denying south, expect to see existing retail and hospitality spaces being
it is the number one talking point in Australia at the moment. converted into food hall style arrangements with a variety of
Once the bushfire crisis has subsided, and hopefully the east different offerings.
coast drought is broken, thoughts will turn to the longer term,
and not just carbon emission reductions. I expect discussions STATE ELECTION
will be had around managing future population growth with a The state election to be held in October should prove to be a very
focus on ensuring fire prone areas are not developed. I also expect close affair. After the important role Queensland regional areas
more agricultural investment will be centred around areas with played in the 2019 Federal election, local hopes will be high that
reliable water (some trial winter crops for cotton in the North are we’ll receive plenty of electoral promises to sway our support. It
already underway). FNQ ticks both boxes and has recently seen an is worth remembering, though, that the south east corner makes
increase in renewable power investments. Whilst we still have our or breaks state elections, something both sides are aware of. Let’s
own climate risk factors to manage, hopefully this all adds up to hope whoever wins delivers meaningful investment for FNQ.
more investment in our region. MORE:
treaty was in place that cut the use of from existing infrastructure and
CFCs in half. Today, the use of CFCs materials
Nikki Huddy is outlawed in most countries and the 2. The middle class grows and
Managing Director ozone layer is recovering. What else inequality shrinks
have we achieved? I can think of big and
Planz Town Planning 3. 3 We make policies based on evidence
small examples when things have gone
well. At times, it is the lack of phase 2 4. There’s a global network of great
cities. By 2030, over 60% of the
Future musing funding or phase 2 planning that really world’s population will live in
highlights that the initial plan was a
success, and we did not plan or budget cities. Imagine the good we could
Almost everyone I know goes to work for that. The truth is, we don’t seem to do if everyone in those cities had a
each day with the intent to make the assume success or truly believe that we community-based mind-set.
world a better place. The times we get it will succeed in making the world a What would you include in your
right are not celebrated enough, and the better place. 2030 list?
potential for us to get it wrong seems
to loom over our heads continuously. What else will we achieve? What do you MORE:
What if we do a good job? Remember see in the future... what is your utopia?
CFCs and the hole in the ozone layer? The World Economic Forum has put the
It unified 197 countries, grass roots challenge out there to imagine a better
organisations and the general public world by 2030. My favourites:
and encouraged boycotts of everyday 1. 1 The circular economy has become
products that used CFCs such as aerosol the economy, from recycling
deodorants. By 1987, just two years after becoming second nature to finding
the hole was discovered, an international new ways to capture more value
50 • Tropic • Issue 21