Page 31 - Tropic Magazine Issue 22
P. 31


                                                                                 Major projects during
                                                                                 Mayor Manning’s tenure
                                                                                  Construction of the new Cairns
                                                                                  Performing Arts Centre and
                                                                                  redevelopment of Munro
                                                                                  Martin Parklands
             United they stand                 Brett Moller (Division 1), Councillor John   $81 MILLION
                                               Schilling (Division 2) and Councillor
             Mayor Bob Manning and his         Max O’Halloran (Division 7) are three   Redevelopment of Lake Street
                                                                                  $21 MILLION
                                               newcomers who are keen to contribute
             Unity team stand by their         to the betterment of Cairns - senior
             impressive record in their bid    project officer and dedicated community   Extension of Lake Street to
                                                                                  Airport Drive
             for re-election on March 28.      volunteer Amy Eden will contest Division
                                               5; business owner and blogger Kristy   $4.5 MILLION
             When Mayor Bob Manning and his Unity   Vallely will contest Division 6, and
             Team go to the polls in March to ask the   business manager and sports afficionado   Construction of a new rock wall
             people of Cairns to vote them back in,   Rhonda Coghlan will contest Division 8   at Machans Beach $16 MILLION
             they go armed with a track record any   (left vacant with the retirement of Unity   Construction of the Moody
             Council in Australia would wish for.  Councillor Jessie Richardson).
             With annual rate rises averaging just 1.5%   “Our team can only benefit from the   Creek detention basin
             over the past seven years, $1 billion of   experiences, ideas and energy from   $10 MILLION
             capital works delivered, and a low level of      Amy, Kristy and     Redevelopment of the Tobruk
             debt, the team says                              Rhonda who all
             they are happy to                                want to achieve     Memorial Pool
             be judged by their                               real change in their   $23.7 MILLION
             achievements to        As a Council, we          communities,”       Refurbishment of School of Arts
             date and promise     must make the right         Mayor Manning
             there’s more to                                  said.               building and museum fit-out
             come.              investments and deliver       Delivering what     $10 MILLION
             “We reckon our track   the right infrastructure to   the community   Development of major sporting
             record demonstrates                              needs and wants     precincts Walker Road,
             our performance   protect what we love about  has always been the
             over the past two        where we live           main focus for the   Petersen Park, Martyn Street
             terms of Council and                             Unity Team since    Netball reserve, Alley Park, and
             is the best predictor               Bob Manning,    they came into office   Endeavour Park
             of what’s to come in                Cairns Mayor  in 2012.           $20.5 MILLION
             the next four years,”                            “Our annual works
             Mayor Bob Manning said.           program has typically been structured to   Major upgrade of Lake Street
             “From the development of major sporting   not only provide the ‘lifestyle’ projects that   multi-storey car park
             precincts and around 70 new or upgraded   make Cairns a region of choice – a place   $6 MILLION
             playgrounds to the construction of a   where people want to live, not a place they
             state-of-the-art performing arts centre,   have to live – but to also meet the need   Creation of hundreds of new
             we believe we have proven our ability to   for new or improved core infrastructure,   car parks in the CBD and in the
             maximise the community benefit from   investing more than $300 million in our   busy hospital precinct
             every ratepayer dollar we manage.  transport network and drainage, and
             “As a Council, we must make the right   around $280 million associated with   Boosted the funds allocated
             investments and deliver the right   our water and wastewater network, and   to the Suburban Enhancement
             infrastructure to protect what we love   waste facilities,” he said.  Program from $1 million in
             about where we live. And at the heart of   The Unity Team will commit itself totally   2012 to $6 million in 2019
             that work is strong financial management   to serving the people of Cairns and our   which effectively means
             which has been a hallmark of the last two   great city again if given that chance.   more footpaths, new kerb
             terms of Council.”
             Joining Mayor Manning, Deputy Mayor   MORE: Follow Cairns Unity on   and channelling and shoulder
             Terry James (Division 4), Councillor   Facebook or visit  sealing right throughout Cairns.

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