Page 28 - Tropic Magazine Issue 22
P. 28
Game changers
Elite Executive’s Eva Grabner
provides some helpful hints
for anyone thinking of
changing industries.
In an ever-fluctuating economy, I am
speaking to more and more people
interested in changing industries. One
question I always ask candidates with considered or was interested in (or
a history in one industry is: “Are you was I?). Nor did I hold much respect
open to changing industries? And if so, for some recruiters after coming from
how open-minded are you about which a management role and receiving
industries you would change to?” unwanted phone calls and emails from
I faced this question nearly a decade ago. them on a daily basis. I do, however,
After nearly 20 years in hospitality and have an open mind, so after careful
tourism, I was burnt out and tired of the consideration and dialogue with the
long hours, low pay and expectations on Do what you love and owner of a local agency, I decided to
people in that sector. After moving from you’ll never work another accept their offer of employment and so
Europe to the United States and working my new career in a new industry began!
on 5-star cruise ships for 10 years, day in your life The rest, they say, is history. I was
Australia’s culture around hospitality and Sir Richard mentored by an amazing woman and
tourism was shocking. It was (and still is Branson respected industry leader for three years
in some cases) mediocre in its delivery yet before moving to Sydney and working
expectations were extremely high. for a very strong and respected Executive
So, here I was, desperate to get out of a never work another day in your Recruitment firm. I soon realised that
declining industry but with no idea where life’. I made a list - working with most recruiters are passionate about
to move next. Human Resources was people, setting up processes within their jobs. When you think about it, what
the obvious choice as I had HR skills and businesses, managing staff… better job is there in the world
experience and had managed teams of 3 What skills did I have? Another list than finding amazing leaders for
up to 60 people in the past. I am a good - managing people, working with businesses and placing leaders into
people person and very passionate. But people, organising... their dream jobs?
what was there for me outside
of hospitality? 4 Do I need to undertake further It’s the best job in the world. Hands
down, and I love it!
Firstly, I had to consider the following: education? Possibly. If you’re thinking about changing
1 Was I willing to take a pay cut? 5 Who in my network could provide careers, speak with someone; a mentor,
Yes, less than hospitality! But I had advice and guide me? a recruiter, a friend, or someone you
no experience in any other industry 6 Does my resume adequately reflect respect and is likely to help you think
(or very little). Sometimes you my experience? outside the box. You never know what
need to take a step back to take a After careful consideration, I decided crazy idea may unfold!
step forward.
that HR was the best move and I spoke Be open to something new; you never
2 What was I passionate about? It’s with a trusted recruitment agent about know where a new road may lead.
important to do what you love my dilemma. She then suggested
and like my idol Richard Branson ‘recruitment’. Well, I nearly fell off my MORE:
says: ‘Do what you love and you’ll chair! It wasn’t an industry I had even
With an extensive global network and market knowledge, Eva Grabner and her team at Elite
Executive identify the best high-performing candidates for clients and work closely with both
parties to ensure a seamless transition.
28 • Tropic • Issue 22