Page 39 - Tropic Magazine Issue 20
P. 39
Tyrone Hunt
Executive Chef
How have you been preparing for the first diners at the hotel?
With three new restaurants there’s been a lot of work creating, Erin Barnett
testing and tasting the new menus. We’ve also been busy Human Resources
recruiting a team of highly experienced and passionate chefs
from around the world who truly understand the flavours and Business Partner
techniques each of our venues is all about. Add in regular site Describe the response to Bailey’s recruitment campaign?
tours, photoshoots, meetings with suppliers and getting to The response was fantastic! We attracted talent locally,
know the rest of the management team, and it’s been totally interstate and internationally. The standard of applications
mad in the best possible way. was also really encouraging.
How prominent is local produce in the menus? At least 80% What was the mix of local and out-of-town applicants?
of the fresh produce we use is from within a three-hour drive There was a really good mix of local and out of town
from Cairns – including our own Crystalbrook Signature Beef. applicants. It was fantastic to see the amount of locals
There really is so much excellent local produce available so applying. It’s an exciting time for Cairns.
of course we’re going to showcase it in every way we can. Not Why is Crystalbrook Collection a great company to work
only is it high-quality and super fresh, it supports local farmers for? Crystalbrook is all about giving everyone a chance. We
and artisanal producers. We need to be showcasing and don’t just recruit for experience; we recruit for personality
supporting these small businesses if we want to put Cairns on and attitude. It’s a great place to work if you want career
the global foodie map.
development and growth.
What inspires you as a chef? When I started, I was fascinated
by the whole idea of the “culinary journey” and learning
about how food and flavours evolve. While working the pass,
experimenting with produce or creating a new menu still
excites me, having stepped up from chef de cuisine at Paper
Crane into the Executive Chef role at Bailey, it’s creating a
culture of chefs and watching them evolve as a team that’s
added a whole new level of inspiration and excitement.
Farm to Table
Crystalbrook Collection literally takes and the highest levels of animal welfare.
ownership of the paddock to plate “The beef that goes from our paddocks
philosophy. The hotel group farms to the plates at Crystalbrook Collection
4,000 head of its own Brangus cattle is carefully selected from the herd,” he
across three properties within a three said. “We look at temperament, quality
hour drive of Cairns, which are sold in and weight gains in order to yield the
its restaurants under the Crystalbrook premium cuts. This is combined with
Signature Beef brand. an intensive feeding program and
The animals are bred using best practice paddock rotation on improved pastures.
standards at the historic Crystalbrook Our pastoral teams practice low
Station near Chillagoe and fattened stress handling and implement strict
up on the lush green pastures of Mena monitoring of each animal, which we
Vale and Silkwood Stations, south of believe are also key factors in the quality
Innisfail. Manager of Mena Vale Station, of the beef we produce.” All Crystalbrook
Ken Weldon, said the Crystalbrook Signature beef is produced without
Pastoral banner ensures the hotel group the use of any hormone or growth
can maintain quality meat standards promotants.
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