Page 96 - Tropic Magazine Issue 19
P. 96
Honouring history
A new project aims to record
and retell the stories of the
Sikh community in Far North
According to the most recent Census, stories and contributions in FNQ and fill That could involve the installation of
Punjabi is the fourth most common the void of curiosity.” a heritage trail with monuments and
language in Tropical North Queensland. The Sikhs in FNQ Project will document, plaques, which was the result of a
It’s a language spoken by members preserve and share the rich history and similar project in Western Australia.
of the Sikh community, who began contributions the community has had on “Or it could be something as simple as a
immigrating to the region 120 years the development of the region since the statue of a Sikh cane cutter in a place like
ago. However, for much of the broader early 1900s, when drought and famine Gordonvale.” Mr Singh said. “We don’t
community, the Sikh people are a bit of forced many of them to move away from want to make assumptions on how that
an enigma, known only by their beautiful the Punjab region of India. “The FNQ Sikh recognition should take place but instead
temples dotted across the region. A new story hasn’t previously been gathered want it to be based on well sources and
project is aiming to change that. “Since and recorded to the extent that it should recorded process.” The group is in the
Sikhs’ migration to FNQ in late 1890s and fully told through historians,” said process of raising $21,000 to complete the
they have applied their faith and values team member Ms Manjoot Singh. “The undertaking. Contributions of any news
of hard work, family, tolerance, giving first part of the project is basically the articles, photos and documents evidencing
back to community and being champions gathering of history by professional the stories of Sikhs in FNQ are being
of people that are marginalised to create historians and then the re-telling of that. sought. Tax deductable donations can also
an enriched and harmonious broader The second part, which is more exciting, be made to assist with the project.
community they live in,” said the Sikhs is the team will actually take suggestions
in FNQ Project team member, Luckbir for areas that have historical significance MORE: Search “Sikhs In FNQ
Singh. “For many people they remain a for Sikhs and they’ll recommend ways to Project” on Facebook
bit of a mystery. It’s time to share their recognise that.”
96 • Tropic • Issue 19