Page 93 - Tropic Magazine Issue 18
P. 93


             Movin’ on up

             Cairns theatre company JUTE      to make changes. To make change,   into our beautifully refurbished venue.”
             has a new brand and structure    you need to accept the challenges   Theatre - indeed all the arts - has long
                                              you’ve experienced, learn from them
                                                                                faced challenges in terms of finances
             to match its renewed sense       and then move forward. That started   and funding, be it from government
             of purpose.                      with a brand refresh. It was critical   or the private sector. The challenge
                                              for JUTE if the organisation was to   is made more difficult in a regional
             In Suellen Maunder’s own words,   attract new investment and audiences   city such as Cairns. “To attract bigger
             it’s been a “challenging” period for   and step more clearly into our regional   dollars to our region, we have to tap
             JUTE, to put it mildly. Over the past 18   leadership role.”       into the philanthropic
             months, the Cairns-based organisation   Suellen says the new brand will speak   space and most of
             has restructured the company and   to audiences locally, nationally and   those organisations are
             temporarily relocated its operations   internationally.            outside of Queensland,”
             during major renovations on its home   “Our first priority was to turn JUTE into   Suellen said. “If you want
             in the CoCA building on Abbott St.   a renowned entity, with a nation-wide   philanthropic support,
             Now, a bright new era is set to begin   presence that appeals to all the target   you need to invest time
             with the unveiling of JUTE’s bold   demographics,” she said. “We present   and money to build the
             rebrand and a marketing push to   an umbrella brand (JUTE) while more   relationship first. It’s not
             cement its place at the forefront of   clearly articulating the broad range of   a matter of just filling   Suellen Maunder
             Australian theatre. “JUTE has gone   work the company undertakes (JUTE   out a grant application.
             through some massive changes and   Creative Writing, JUTE Actors Studio,   In the corporate space, it used to just
             challenges over the past year and a   JUTE Commissions, etc), whilst always   be a transactional relationship but this
             half but that hasn’t stopped us from   maintaining the brand message and   has changed. We want to take the time
             continuously charging forward,”   ethos. Now a new identity has been   diving deep into their corporate values
             Suellen told Tropic. “This is a testament   developed, it will be implemented into   and objectives, building a relationship
             to our resilience and strength to   a powerhouse campaign which will   from there so that we are both gaining
             keep supporting regional artists and   include all mediums of advertising   from the partnership before making
             producing new work. Sometimes when   and marketing in the print and digital   the ‘ask’. Our new branding, which tells
             you go through challenges you need   realms and successfully lead us back   the full story of the breadth of work
                                                                                undertaken by JUTE, is an important
                                                                                part of creating this understanding.
                                                                                Locally, we navigate the issue of funding
                                                                                by consistently connecting with our
                                                                                community and telling our story and
                                                                                listening for the opportunities.”
                        original logo                 new logo                   MORE:

                                          JUTE’S STRATEGIC DIRECTION

                     CORE             ARTISTIC         ORGANISATION       ORGANISATION        ORGANISATION
                   PURPOSE             VISION              VISION             VISION             MISSION
                JUTE is committed    To change the      JUTE is a regional   JUTE will not rest until all   JUTE will consistently
                to the development   world through    champion for working   the untold stories have   collaborate with our
                and employment of      theatre.         closely with all   been told, until there is   stakeholders and
                regional artists and                  stakeholders to deliver   no regional artist needing   partners to ensure we
               the production of new                  authentic Australian   support and our audience  continue to build cultural
                     work.                            stories and economic   and community’s need   capital for our region for
                                                      benefits to our region.  for diverse stories is    a thriving and vibrant arts
                                                                             fully sated.   and culture community.

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