Page 64 - Tropic Magazine Issue 18
P. 64


          Brotherly love

           GIVING BACK
           How members of a Cairns rugby league social club are giving
           back to the local community.

           Words Renee Cluff
           You might be surprised to learn that   accommodation with education,” Mr
           Brothers Leagues Club at Manunda,   Cockrem said. “Brothers Leagues Club
           which also operates Fuller Sports   funds a bus, enabling them to provide
           Club at Edmonton, is a not-for-profit   a morning and afternoon service to   The MaraWay Community Hub
           organisation, with 100% of surplus   and from school, plus the children get
           funds injected into local sporting,   a healthy breakfast to start the day.”
           charity and community groups.    It’s not the only transport initiative
           Primarily, its objective is to help grow   Brothers Leagues Club is involved in.
           rugby league but it now also supports   The organisation also finances the local
           a wide range of sports within the   Transport to Treatment service for
           local community from lawn bowls to   cancer patients. The Cancer Council’s
           rugby union, gymnastics, netball and   business development manager, Linda
           cricket. Chairman Greg Cockrem told   Graham, said it’s a vital community
           Tropic developing children’s sport is a   service.  “Brothers shows that it cares
           priority. “It’s important that children   about and supports Cairns residents
           are active and involved in sports,” he   receiving treatment,” she said. “Being
           said. “We as a club encourage this,   able to meet clients’ transport needs
           especially in an age where screens   when they may not have any other
           are becoming the main source of   option and hearing their gratitude for
           entertainment.”                  the service is testament to the merits
                                            of the service.” In fact it’s so popular
                                            Brothers Leagues Club is now looking
           It’s important that children are   to support a second vehicle within the
            active and involved in sports.  Chairman Greg Cockrem said such
                                            initiatives wouldn’t be possible without
                                            the support of the club’s members.
           However, supporting active children   “Being a member of Brothers Leagues
           is just the beginning for this   Club makes you a good corporate
           community-minded club. Among its   citizen too because you’re contributing
           other commitments is a transport   to all the good things we do in the
           service for The MaraWay, which assists   community,” he said.
           people experiencing hardship. “We   “The more members, the stronger
           are particularly proud to support   the donations are and the more we
           The MaraWay’s ‘Let’s Get Back to   can improve the services that need
           School’ program, which is aimed at   our help. It’s all about Cairns locals
           re-engaging youth living in crisis   supporting Cairns locals.”

                        BROTHERS: History of service
                       1974                       2018

                     200 members              30,000+ members
               $1000 donation to Brothers   $685,000 in donations to local
                       Football                organisations

                         MORE:                The original 1970s clubhouse

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