Page 67 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 67


             Packed program
             Cairns Art Gallery kickstarts 2019 with a
             stunning array of exhibitions from local and
             international artists.

                               ELIZABETH HUNTER
                               8 March – 21 May                                 QUEEN’S LAND
                               Elizabeth Hunter is a Cairns-based artist whose   BLAK PORTRAITURE
                               exhibition, Decadence, offers an imaginative     Late 19th century to present
                               analysis of a world the artist acknowledges might   17 May – 11 August 2019
                               closely align with Aldous Huxley’s Brave New     Late 19th century to the present is an
                               World. Yet her works also offer a positive narrative   immersive exploration of how black
                               informed by an acute empathy and compassion for   identity in Queensland has been
                               human life, and the many foibles and inadequacies   defined and visually represented
                               that make us who we are.
                                                                                through portraiture by both Indigenous
                                                                                and non-Indigenous artists.
                                                                                The relationships between personal,
                                                                                cultural and national identity are
             VINCENT BABIA                                                      examined in relation to archival
             KOEY BUWAI MAB:                                                    and contemporary portrait images,
             Migration from Saibai Island to Cape York                          including works by black artists
             26 Apr – 9 Jun 2019                                                representing themselves as they
             The story of a voluntary mass migration from Saibai Island in the Torres   want to be seen.
             Strait, to the mainland after World War II, is explored in a new exhibition of   QUEEN’S LAND: BLAK PORTRAITURE:
             sculptures and prints by Vincent Babia. The artist’s family is one of many that   Presented in partnership with Cairns
             permanently relocated from Saibai to safer ground at the tip of Cape York,   Indigenous Art Fair (CIAF). This project
             after a series of destructive king tides in the 1940s.             has been assisted by the Australian
                                                                                Government’s Visions of Australia program
                                                                                and is supported by The John Villers Trust.


                                                                                IMAGE TOP LEFT  IMAGE TOP RIGHT
                                                                                Elizabeth HUNTER  Danie MELLOR
                                                                                Playing for keeps 2018  A gaze still dark (a black
                                                                                etching         portrait of intimacy)  2019
                                                                                100 x 50 cm     178 x 117.5 cm
                                                                                Courtesy of the artist   wax pastel, wash with oil
                                                                                                pigment, watercolour and
                                                                                IMAGE LEFT      pencil on paper
                                                                                Vincent BABIA   Courtesy of the artist
                                                                                Legend drum of Wakenab   and Jan Murphy Gallery,
                                                                                2017            Brisbane
                                                                                wood, seed pod, goanna   Photography courtesy
                                                                                skin, cane,     Mim Stirling
                                                                                feather, shark tooth
                                                                                55 x 140 x 52 cmCairns Art
                                                                                Gallery Collection
                                                                                Purchased Cairns Art
                                                                                Gallery Foundation, 2018

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