Page 45 - Tropic Magazine Issue 16
P. 45


             NQAV expands with new location in Cairns

              NEW IN CAIRNS
                                                                                               Ian Parry from NQAV
             The launch of a new showroom in   provide will only increase.
             Cairns by audio, visual and technology   NQAV has been servicing the greater
             experts NQAV signals a new era for the  Cairns area for many years, but this
             established brand. To find out more   is the first time that customers and
             about their expansion into Cairns and   clients can visit a location to discuss our
             the ever-changing audio-visual trends,   products and services. It’s important
             we talk to Ian Parry, the face of NQAV   to have a physical location - having an
             in FNQ.                          established site reinforces our presence
             Ian, thanks for chatting to us today!   in the community, our commitment to
             Quite an exciting time for you,   being a ‘local’ business. It also provides
             launching the NQAV brand in Cairns –   greater opportunity for walk in and
             can you give us some insights into your   drive by customers..
             own background?                  What types of businesses and      to have a quality experience, yet
             Originally from the UK, I moved to   organisations does NQAV service?  still affordable. The delivery of NBN
             Cairns in 2004 after 9 years in Perth,   NQAV supplies and installs commercial   has also helped in picking up the
             and although career opportunities   audio visual and technology systems   bandwidth issues that we experienced
             have taken me to other parts of the   right across the commercial sector, and   several years ago.
             world I have always gravitated back   also provides home automation, security   How has technology and innovation
             to Cairns and am delighted to call this   systems and home theatre to the   changed industry and business?
             great city home. With many years of   residential sector. Our projects range   Making life easy and enhancing
             experience in office technology I am   from installing conferencing technology   lives is what we strive for. In fact,
             excited to be back in the Audio-Visual   in multiple rooms in corporate offices,   it is in our mission statement. The
             business bringing superior product and  to setting up audio systems and lighting   technology that we deliver does exactly
             service to businesses in the Far North   for school auditoriums, and even event   that. The intelligence built into some
             Queensland region.               equipment hire to remote locations.  We   of the equipment available today is
             Having seen some of the AV projects   service a range of industries including   phenomenal, but being able to use
             that NQAV has delivered and having   local government, Queensland Health,   it without needing a degree is the
             met with NQAV managing director   Defence, charities, universities and   challenge. That is where innovative
             Kevin Booth and seen his passion   schools, plus companies in a variety of   thinking comes into play. One such
             for the business and where he saw   industries from local businesses to large   example would be the development
             the future growth of the business, it   corporates.                and integration we have placed into
             was a pretty easy decision to join the   What are some of the emerging trends   the Google home system to control our
             company and be part of that journey.  you’re noticing or delivering for clients?  AV systems, for domestic or business
             What sparked the decision to expand   The conferencing market has boomed   environments. It’s great and wonderful
             and open a new outlet in Cairns?  due to the expectation and reliance on   investing in technology to assist with
             Regional growth and a rise in    video. New conferencing technology   business and life, but it needs to be
             commercial and residential property   offers convenience of face-to-face   reliable and simple enough to use - for
             development have seen a substantial   interaction without having to leave   anyone! With so many manufacturers
             increase in the demand for professional  the office. Video conferencing   competing against each other,
             and innovative technology services.   has been around for a long time,   consumers are definitely the winners
             Cairns has a lot of big projects   however with Microsoft buying out   in the end.
             beginning in the next 12 months, so   Skype and developing the Skype for
             the demand for the kind of specialist   Business platform, software-based   MORE:
             installations and services NQAV   conferencing has enabled any business

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