Page 56 - Tropic Magazine Issue 15
P. 56


           Cast off

           Cairns podcaster Tyson E
           Franklin recommends some             Mountain Mantras: Wellness & Life Lessons
           of his favourite health and          Kathryn Kemp Guylay is a Certified
           business podcasts.                   Nutrition Counsellor, author,
                                                entrepreneur and wellness coach,
           Think of podcasting as a bit like a   and she shares inspiration and
           talk-back radio show, except you get to   actionable advice for you to enjoy
           choose the host, the guest, the topic of   a happier, healthier and more
           discussion and when it will be played   successful life. Each show highlights
           at a time that suits your schedule.    business visionaries and successful
           The word “podcast” comes from a      entrepreneurs who openly share their
           combination of iPod and broadcast,   wellness and life lessons to reach
           but it’s really just an audio file that is   greater heights, as well as Kathryn
           downloaded from the Internet to your   sharing her own insights into making
           computer or smartphone.              food, life and everything we do fun.
           Podcast listener numbers are         Kathryn escaped the corporate life
           increasing each year as people       and chose to live in Sun Valley, Idaho
           realise how easy it is to download a   where she enjoys skiing and hiking,
           podcast onto their phones. If you like   depending on the season, and this is
           a particular podcast show you can    the inspiration she uses for each show.
           subscribe to it so you never miss an
           upcoming episode. And just like the   Business
           radio, podcasts are entirely free to
           listen to.                           The Business Podcast with Super Joe Pardo
           PODCAST SUGGESTIONS                  The host of this podcast, Super Joe, is
           What makes podcasting exciting and   also the author of Sales Won’t Save
           enjoyable is the vast array of subjects   Your Business, and this is something
           currently available. If you have an   to look for when selecting a business
           interest in animals, you could listen   podcast, the host has experience in the
           to a podcast discussing living, extinct   area of small business. Each week Joe
           or imaginary animals, or you could   introduces entrepreneurs and business
           be more specific and search for dogs,   owners from around the world to share
           cats or horses. If you have a hobby or   their journey, their lessons and their
           interest, such as arts and crafts, or you   lifestyles. The emphasis of this show
           want to improve a particular skill and   is to teach you how to accelerate the
           become a better writer, or further your   growth of your business while building
           knowledge in nutrition, you’ll find a   your business around your lifestyle, not
           podcast to fulfil your needs. Podcasting   your lifestyle around your business. I
           is becoming the go-to-place for many   can proudly say I was a guest on Super
           business owners and professionals    Joe’s show in July of this year.
           because they can use podcasts to
           improve their knowledge further in a
           specific area.
                                                              Sound bite

             MORE: Tyson’s small business and                 91% of Australians aged 18 - 75 have heard of
             marketing podcast It’s No Secret
             With Dr T is available on iTunes                 podcasting, however only 62% have ever listened
             and all good podcasting apps.                    to a podcast.

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