Page 52 - Tropic Magazine Issue 15
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                                                               which, as a modest regional provider, would not be offered
                                 Paul                          otherwise. Cairns Regional Council recognises the importance
                                 Sjogren                       of international education to our economy, helping to fund
                                                               Study Cairns and the Student Hub. These enable local
                                 Principal                     education providers to collaborate and attract candidates to
                                 Trinity Anglican School       the region and then support these students once they arrive.
                                                               While these resources are significant in helping local
                                                               providers, there are some decisions which are less helpful
         Broadening our borders                                towards maintaining a healthy international education sector
                                                               in Cairns. The visa application process is lengthy, costly and
         There has been some recent discussion in the media    complex. This has led to some candidates choosing to study in
         regarding the drop in the number of students studying Asian   other countries. It is disappointing when a candidate chooses
         languages through to Year 12.                         New Zealand or Canada instead of us because of our visa
         Despite successive government plans (and money invested)   environment.
         to increase the number, it has stubbornly been falling over the   International education providers must balance the
         last few years. Governments of all types have recognised this   obligations of multiple departments, policies and legislation.
         challenge but have been unable to fix it.             One mistake or oversight can lead to the closure of the
         We know some of the reasons: learning an Asian language is   provider’s business. While it is important to protect our
         hard work, Asian characters are a very different construct to   international students, the reporting and regulatory loads are
         our alphabet, and Australia is isolated and so an alternative   onerous - especially for small-to-medium providers. Australia
         language is not considered important by many.         provides an Ombudsman for international students, and
         However, we know that human nature is such that if a reward   this service is valued and important. For the many small-to-
         was associated with it, more students would study an Asian   medium education providers in the region, an Ombudsman
         language. Maybe offering a weighting on ATAR calculations   might assist us as well. My hope is that we could have an
         is a possible solution. If universities place an extrinsic value   Ombudsman to help us to balance our obligations without
         on an Asian language, so will students. Some states and   buckling under the load.
         individual universities do place an entry bonus on learning a
         language other than English (LOTE) but it is not consistent   MORE: and
         across the country, nor the state, and usually does not
         specifically target Asian languages. Maybe a 10% subject score
         bonus for non-native speakers studying an Asian language
         could be just the lever that leads to increased enrolments. Or
         a reduced course fee at university for those who choose to
         continue studying an Asian language (as a second language).
         Whilst there are challenges, such as the difficulties in                      Ash
         maintaining equity within our university selection processes,                 Balderson
         there are a number of options for a government with the will                  Owner
         to address this trend.                                                        Status Plus
                                                               Be well, be calm, always smile

                                                               Have you ever stopped to think how busy everyone seems to be
                                                               right now in this day and age of 2018 and social media? Please
                             Shuaib Chaudhry                   take a moment to ponder exactly why you in particular are so
                             Digital marketing manager         flat out and struggle to get things done.
                             Cairns Language Centre and        Is everything you do in a day necessary or are you just rolling
                             Cairns Business College           with the punches? Dealing with whatever crops up in your
                                                               week moment by moment, hour upon hour and so forth
                                                               to keep the peace with those around you (whether it be
         Get policy settings right                             immediate family, friends or work colleagues) and ultimately
                                                               with yourself?
         International education is the second largest sector in   In no particular order, there’s: exercise, food to gather and
         the Cairns economy, and our Federal, State and Local   prepare, spending time with your partner, children, work,
         Governments play an important role in it. Their decisions and   work, work, eat, sleep, clean teeth, shower, dress, relaxation
         policies can significantly impact the sector, and in turn our   (haha), social gatherings for coffee, lunch, dinner, recreation
         local economy. There are numerous ways governments of all   (swim, bike ride, run, hike - go somewhere - Tablelands or
         levels are involved.                                  Port Douglas?), watch TV or a movie (on Apple TV, Foxtel or
         The Federal Government’s Austrade department helps    Netflix, grab the news?) travel for work to Brisbane, Sydney,
         education providers promote ourselves in overseas markets,   Melbourne, internationally, shopping for that thing you need,
         providing strong knowledge of the local markets and valuable   having fun, stopping to smell the roses, water the lawn, go
         advice and introductions. The Queensland Government   to the vet, doctor, dentist, take some rubbish to the dump,
         supports international education through Trade Investment   mow the lawn, do some gardening, grab a spin, yoga or gym
         Queensland, and the department retains experts in many   class, get a haircut (I use the dog clippers having not much
         key markets. They make introductions and open doors   on top), walk the dogs morning and night, have a holiday

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