Page 41 - Tropic Magazine Issue 15
P. 41
Cancer treatment HEALTHY HABITS
150 people have saved a trip We all do it, every day, but often we
to Brisbane for treatment by only shallow breathe, shifting only
being operated on by a robot a small part of the air in our lungs.
in Cairns. Deep breathing is an excellent way to
deal with anxiety and stress. You can
Words Renee Cluff do it anytime and anywhere and no
equipment is required.
The four-armed Da Vinci Xi robotic vital nerves, that human hands have Deep breathing stimulates the
surgical system, installed at Cairns difficulty getting to. parasympathetic nervous system
Private Hospital 12 months ago, is “The robotic system enables urologists to (which is the opposite of your
helping surgeons navigate the tricky operate in the lower pelvis area through sympathetic nerve, the “stress nerve”),
business of operating on prostates. very small incisions with unmatched it slows down the heart rate, and
It is a state-of-the-art tool used precision,” he said. “When the robot causes the whole body to relax. When
primarily for urology surgery, but also has been used to remove prostates, in we take in more oxygen, our bodies
gynaecology and colorectal operations. what’s known as a radical prostatectomy, are better able to get rid of toxins and
The advantages it has over traditional patients have been able to leave the each single cell can function more
surgery lie in its magnified 3D high- hospital in 1-2 days and return to normal effectively.
definition vision system and tiny activities within six weeks.”
instruments with ‘wrists’ that can bend Mr Tooth says it’s fine-precision, How to breathe deeply:
and rotate far greater than the human minimally invasive surgery that You can either lie down or stand
hand. Cairns Private Hospital CEO would otherwise only be available in upright.
Ben Tooth said it makes the most of the south-east of the state. “This has Place your hands just below your belly
the skill and expertise of the surgeon allowed patients to obtain their care button.
performing the procedure. closer to home,” he said. “It provides Take a long deep breath in through
“It offers many advantages, including people a greater choice in their health your nose and allow your abdomen to
smaller incisions, shorter hospital care needs.” expand. You should feel your hands
stay and faster recovery time, as well There are now four surgeons at Cairns moving slightly.
as reduced blood loss and minimal Private Hospital who are trained to use Hold it there for a little while then
scarring,” he said. the robot. release the air slowly through pursed
Mr Tooth said its primary use has been lips or your nose.
to remove prostate cancers, which are MORE: Start practicing deep breathing for 5
found in an area of the body filled with minutes daily.
Cairns Hospital staff health check
The Australian Medical Association Queensland’s Cairns Hospital featured in the middle of rankings,
annual junior doctor public hospital report card scoring high marks for hours of work and overtime, as
revealed some interesting results for Cairns Hospital. Based well as overall wellbeing and workplace culture. But
on a survey of 615 junior doctors statewide, the report card the hospital received low scores for career progression
was designed to help junior doctors decide where to work and and development and bullying, discrimination and
promote positive change in the hospital system. sexual harassment.
HOSPITAL Access to Career Hours of Wellbeing + Bullying, OVERALL
annual leave progression + work + workplace discrimination + GRADE
development overtime culture sexual harassment
North West HHS B+ A+ C- A- C+ B+
Cairns Hospital C C- A- A- C- C+
Gold Coast HHS E D E+ D+ D- D-
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