Page 24 - Tropic Magazine Issue 13
P. 24
IT’S NOT A JOB INTERVIEW time. Be conscious that you’re both
If you meet someone from a business there to network. Organise a time to
you’d love to work at, don’t spend your catch up at a later date.
time reeling off your resumé highlights.
That will come across as desperate. MAKE THE EFFORT TO MEET NEW PEOPLE
Only tell them about your CV if they ask It’s very tempting to gravitate towards
about your career. people you already know, but remember
you’re there to meet new people. If
GETTING TOO PERSONAL you feel uncomfortable approaching a
How to make a bad You are not at a speed-dating event and stranger, ask someone to introduce you.
you’re not there to flirt. Above all else, you
impression at a must remain professional at these events. I do it all the time!
networking event Also, be aware of personal boundaries. Remember the goal at a networking event
is to build relationships and networks as
Shaking hands is fine, but arm touches
and hugs… no. Maintain a healthy a pathway to potential new customers,
Words Eva Grabner distance, pay attention to their body partners and opportunities. Get out there
language and don’t be too touchy-feely. and meet people, but ensure you are
Networking is essential to most
businesses no matter how small or large, following these networking tips to meet
but it’s not a skill taught at any university KNOW WHEN TO LEAVE THE people in the right way.
or college. Some people are networking CONVERSATION
Even if you’re getting on well with
naturals but I often see people who aren’t someone and a great conversation is MORE:
so great at it. Unfortunately, they can flowing, don’t monopolise a person’s
end up making a bad impression on the
people they meet.
I’ve been in the business long enough
to be quite comfortable approaching
people who I don’t know but it took into the future.
many years and lots of practice. I still So, let’s look at the impact of dividends
get a little nervous at times but I just on long-term returns on a high-quality
shake it off, hold my shoulders back and blue-chip portfolio of Australian shares.
walk into a room like I own it! For the purposes of this article, I have
Based on my observations, here are a used an investment of $100,000 in
few tips on how NOT to network: Investors Mutual Australian Share Fund
Don’t focus on short-term as an example of a blue-chip Australian
BEING PUSHY share portfolio. This fund started in the
There is nothing worse than someone capital fluctuations period when the market was obsessed
who pushes their business card and Words Danny Maher with the “growth over profits” mentality
sales pitch within the first 30 seconds and dot com businesses while shunning
of meeting them. Have a conversation Should I sell my shares in Telstra or boring “old economy” stocks. It also
first, spend time getting to know them the banks? These are very common includes the GFC of 2007-2008.
and what you could possibly to do help, questions we’ve encountered in recent If you look at the period 2007-2008, the
then work it into the conversation before months in the wake of the Royal combined capital depreciation was a
asking for favours. Commission into the banks and the whopping $98,000. The dividend income,
roll-out of the NBN. Investors have seen however, remained strong and the capital
TALKING ABOUT YOURSELF some significant capital depreciation in has recovered since. As at 30th June this
Listen more, talk less. Don’t spend the their holdings of these stocks and are year, the value has tripled on the initial
first few minutes talking incessantly questioning whether they should cut investment to be just over $300,000. When
about yourself. Ask them appropriate their losses and sell now. you add the income distributed over the
questions to show you’re interested in When investing in shares, it is easy to 20-year period (totaling $216,000) it is easy
getting to know them better as a new focus on short-term price fluctuations. to understand the folly in focusing on
professional contact, and you’re more Then again for long-term investors, short-term capital fluctuations.
likely to grow a stronger connection the income stream from dividends is I’m not at all suggesting you should run
with them. an important part of the total return, out and invest in this fund or any others
underpinning portfolio returns even without getting appropriate personal
when difficult market conditions are financial advice, but it illustrates long-
causing volatility in share prices. The term investing in good quality, profitable
traditional safe haven of cash products businesses will deliver sustainable
such as term deposits have delivered income regardless of capital volatility.
diminishing income over the past ten
years and are now at record lows. This article represents general information only. Before
Our advice has been largely to stay making any financial or investment decisions, we
recommend you consult a financial planner to consider
the course and ride out the volatility your personal investment objectives, financial situation
currently being experienced. All of and individual needs.
the banks and Telstra are extremely
profitable businesses and should MORE:
continue to pay strong dividends
24 • Tropic • Issue 14