Page 23 - Tropic Magazine Issue 13
P. 23
Nickoli Obersky from
One Stop Property
Judging from my experiences over Generational homes at the new Cherrybrook development in Bentley Park
the last 10 years in Cairns real estate,
I am confident in saying that the
market has noticeably improved over units are selling well in spots close
the last few years, both in activity to the hospital, universities or the Steady, steady
and prices achieved. I know well- convenience of key employment Just about every local agent will agree
presented, right-priced to market nodes. The upgraders and downsizers the Cairns property market can best be
properties with really effective are always out there and I just cannot described as “steady”. According to the
marketing utilising trending get enough good stock. This has often latest Real Estate Institute of Queensland
platforms and ever-changing been a somewhat stagnant sector Market Monitor, the median house price
technologies (at very effective costs) for many vendors in the past and
are generating increased buyer they can just give up on the dream in Cairns rose by 1.2% in the year to June,
interest. That is translating into more of change or simply sell too low. I sitting at $410,000.
sales in quick time at good prices. believe well-researched strategic But dig down into the suburb-by-suburb
Effectively utilising these tools and advice is resulting in fast transactions breakdown and there were some positive
skills, I have definitely increased the on market times at minimal price signs. Blue chip locations like Palm Cove
number of sales I’m doing as well as expectation reductions. This was only and Whitfield recorded the highest annual
achieving higher sale prices for most evidenced last month when I had a growth with 14.3% and 13.1% respectively.
of the properties I sell. My prime job property in the low $800,000 range The median price for a home in Palm Cove
is to maximise the property face time that went to contract in 10 days with now sits at a substantial $606,000.
to potential buyers and drive that multiple offers. Both the buyers and Despite the modest price growth of 1.2%
interest to secure a successful sale. sellers were very satisfied with the in Cairns, context is important when
Spring is traditionally the most outcome. considering our city’s fortunes. During the
active time in the Cairns real estate There has been a continuing shift same period, Townsville’s house prices went
marketplace and why not? Beautiful in our land sales at both Bentley backwards by -3.3% and Rockhampton’s
blue skies, a touch of summer coming Park and Redlynch, triggering median fell -2.7%. Cairns also outstripped
on, population and employment construction of new releases to meet growth in Toowoomba, which recorded a
growth occurring. Cairns is all hope demand and also to ensure stock 1.1% lift. The best performers in regional
at the moment with the promise is delivered before the impending Queensland were Bundaberg at 2.7% and
of more to come. We are getting traditional wet season. Redlynch
recognised on the national stage as has been across the board in all Mackay at 2.5%.
a true value proposition. Couple that land size and price segments. We Noosa recorded the state’s highest growth
with our unique lifestyle and we are have launched the Cherrybrook of 6.9%, while Brisbane and the Gold Coast
seeing more and more people move development in Bentley Park with rose by 2.5% and 4.5% respectively.
to Cairns where it’s more affordable resounding success, with 35% of first
than where they have come from. This release blocks already sold and more Palm Cove 14.3%
is a busy transactional time of the about to start.
year for buyers and sellers. Yes, I’m I believe we will only see continued Whitfield 13.1%
upbeat and there is no doubt about growth and interest from southern
the opportunities ahead. investors looking for new
We are experiencing sales trends opportunities to park their money Clifton Beach 11.5%
occurring in specific market pockets in new emerging markets where the
and locations with differing drivers key investment criteria are easily Bayview Heights 7.2%
producing this activity. Overall, it and safely met. Such as population
still looks like a mixed market. There growth, employment opportunities Redlynch 6.8%
are segments of positive on-going and overall market affordability.
activity in the first home owner and Cairns delivers on all of these fronts. 12 MONTHS TO JUNE 2018
southern investor sector, especially SOURCE: REIQ MARKET MONITOR
in the $330,000 - $430,000 bracket.
We’re also noticing specific location MORE:
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