Page 38 - Tropic Magazine Issue 13
P. 38
New heights
Tropic sat down with Troy to environment of learning and curiosity.
Troy McGuane and Karl talk about Elite’s journey, the We conduct team training regularly
Latham are changing the local real estate market and throughout the week, and this training
real estate game at Elite Real what’s next for this go-getting is designed to improve the outcomes
Estate Services. agency. for clients. We have our staff attend
a thorough training program in
Buying a home or apartment to call Tell us about the team and your key Sydney once per year which sets the
home is an emotional pursuit. As much people. foundation for our business annually.
as we might think we use our heads We started with 25 staff and are We also have a business coach who
to crunch the numbers and weigh up now at 32. Without sounding corny, works closely with our team, keeping
market factors, the truth is our hearts all of our staff are key and all of us all accountable to high levels of
wield the greatest influence. Sure, we our staff lead our business. Real service and customer satisfaction.
have budget parameters and certain estate has so many moving parts, Elite takes an almost scientific
suburbs in mind, but if we don’t fall so we have very talented staff approach to property and sales.
in love with our future home we won’t across all levels of our business
sign on the dotted line. It’s about first which allows each staff member to Without giving away too many secrets,
impressions, that feeling you get when best use their skillset. As we start what does this mean for clients?
you walk through the front door for to implement new services to our What we do and how we do it is
the first time at an open home. “Can business, our staff numbers will important, but the reason why we do it
I picture myself living here” is a more increase accordingly. is critical and at the heart of our team.
powerful question than “what’s the We genuinely want to help people
percentage increase in the median price What type of staff development and achieve their lifestyle dreams, and in
in this particular suburb over the past team building work do you do with our case, we can do this via property.
five years?”. your team? We understand that real estate is
When you talk to Troy McGuane Staff development and a close team quite emotional for most people. At
and Karl Latham, co-owners of Elite who work together is something times, this emotion can cloud people’s
Real Estate Services, you get the Karl and I talk about daily. We want judgement, therefore a systems-driven
sense they understand both sides of our staff to understand the reason business allows us to understand the
the purchasing equation, from the why we do what we do. The world client and also provide the client with
emotional to the scientific. Indeed, is changing so fast and we need to understanding. We do this by treating
Elite’s comprehensive approach to staff be able to learn to adapt. We have our clients with respect and respecting
development, client management and a high demand for learning in our their needs. In reality, our system
their systems-driven approach has business, and this is evident by our allows our staff to have clarity on
taken real estate service in Cairns to a staff’s desire for information. We what needs to be done to enable more
whole new level. From the beginning, have a book club in our business, meaningful conversations with more
they set about changing the game. The and staff are required to read a new people more often.
growth in their business over the past book each month. This promotes an
two years demonstrates they are doing
exactly that.
38 • Tropic • Issue 13