Page 47 - Tropic Magazine Issue 12
P. 47


                                                                 ALAN’S TOP 3 TIPS FOR
                                                                 BUSINESS OWNERS
                                                                 01 / Lead by example. You can’t change a culture if
                                                                 you are not willing to do it yourself. We have rolled
                                                                 up our sleeves and vacuumed cars, pulled out
                                                                 weeds and swept floors
                                                                 02 / Surround yourself with the right team and
                                                                 brainstorm together
              Audi Centre Cairns is #1
                                                                 03 / Think long-term and embrace change. It’s
              Alan and Connie’s sharp focus on customer service since   easier to think about what’s in it for me now but to
              taking over the dealership is paying dividends. Audi Centre   build a truly lasting business you have to make
              Cairns was recently ranked number one in the Australian Audi   short-term sacrifices for long-term success. If you
              network for after-sales customer satisfaction. Alan says they   only act on short-term benefits then there won’t
              achieved the impressive feat by “leading by example,   be a business in the long run
              surrounding ourselves with the right people and making
              decisions based on long-term impacts”. But, most of all,   MORE:
              Connie says their staff “genuinely care about our customers”.

              Tell us about your journey to Cairns -   feedback from Audi customers who   how can we expect anyone else to
              why did you make the move north   have interacted with the dealership. A   invest? If everyone in Cairns started to
              from Sydney?                     business is a re lection of its people and   invest their time and money locally then
              Most people say the lifestyle but for us   processes so that became our focus. We   the Cairns economy will only prosper.
              it was the business opportunity first,   were very clear from day one about our
              then the lifestyle was the cream on top.   values and expectations. Connie took   What are your plans and initiatives to
              We have been looking to join the retail   over the service advisor role because we   keep up with the changes and
              side of automotive having been in   saw how important that role is for the   evolution in the car industry?
              wholesale our whole life. We heard   long-term viability of the business. It is   Like any industry, technology is
              through an industry source that Audi in   the only department in a dealership   transforming the car industry from
              Cairns was up for sale and did our   where we get to interact with   electric vehicles to autonomous driving
              research.  ere was a lot of inherent   customers daily. If we don’t retain our   and more. We want to embrace and
              risk given that the Cairns market has   service customers then we will not be a   celebrate the exciting changes by being
              been  lat for a while. We decided that   viable business.         progressive ourselves. Regardless of the
              we are at a life stage that if we don’t                           changes in the products we sell and
              take a punt on life and chase our   How do you balance work and family life?  how we sell, we believe the core values
              passion then we probably never will. We    e truth is that we don’t balance our   in how we do business will remain the
              knew that Cairns has endured a tough   work and family life. We are learning   same. We aim to add value to our
              time but strongly believe that the   but it is hard when both you and your   customers and do what we say.
              outlook for the region is excellent. At   partner work in the same workplace   Traditionally, working at a car
              the end it was our belief in the Cairns   and deal with the same challenges.  e   dealership has not been a top choice for
              market and passion for the industry   positive part is that we also celebrate   any young talent. Being parents
              that led us to invest and move to Cairns.  the same successes. We do try to make   ourselves, we want to do our share and
                                               Sunday our family day and not think   change that perception. Car dealerships
              What was your focus in the first six   about work.                 can o fer a very rewarding career. It’s
              months of taking over the dealership?                             up to us to do the right things and make
              Customer service. It sounds like a   Tell us about your support for the   any talent proud to apply their time and
              cliché but for us it was a fact that we   Cairns community and charities and   talent. Cairns, we need your support to
              couldn’t ignore. Prior to us taking over   why this is important to you.  achieve this ambition!
              the dealership, it did not rank well in   It is about giving back to the
              the customer satisfaction scores for   community that supports you. If we
              Audi Australia.  e scores are based on   don’t invest in our own community then
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