Page 41 - Tropic Magazine Issue 10
P. 41
Shaun Donaldson Nikki Huddy Hans Lee
Director, Halpin Partners MD, PLANZ Town Planning Urbanist
What to expect in 2018 Parking: the debate
’ll never forget some advice given to me
iving in a large southern city before
here’s a saying that goes something
just after I moved to Cairns: “When
locals start buying investment property, like: “You are not stuck in traffic… moving to Cairns, I never really
it’s time to sell!” you are traffic.” needed a car. Public transport was
This may seem harsh; however, it reflects The Cairns CBD is alive and thriving, adequate and most services an inner-city
the reality that sometimes we can’t see with increasing numbers of people millennial like me needs were within
enticed into the city centre for leisure and
walking distance. Of course, that’s not the
the forest for the trees. recreation. The construction of hotels and case in Cairns where public transport is
It is difficult to get a good perspective
about the overall direction of our local apartments will encourage even more inadequate and cycling, although a
economy when we are battling away in people into the CBD. How do we part-time love of mine, isn’t always
our businesses each day and dealing with accommodate these growing numbers? practical in the torrid tropics. After living
without a car for a period in Cairns, I’m
the challenges of everyday life. Growth plans almost convinced that having a vehicle of
It was very exciting to see recently that 1. The “Marchetti’s constant” tells us that
Simon Pressley of Propertyology told Sky for centuries (and still today) people some kind is more than just a
News that Cairns was his number one living in urban areas have kept the same convenience. It’s something close to a
real estate investment hot spot in all of average travel time of 60 minutes per day necessity.
The liberty of personal mobility afforded
Australia. (30-minute commute each way). by cars is a cornerstone of our regional
Growth drivers 2. Provide a mix of transport: walk, cycle, identity, whether we admit to it or not. As
In making this assessment, Simon car, bus. We reduce road traffic by much as inner-city yuppies in the capitals
providing choices as a person may not
highlighted our great lifestyle and drive due to physical disability, age (youth think it’s all green and good to catch
excellent local infrastructure, including or elderly) or financial constraints. public transport or walk to their favourite
Australia’s fifth largest airport, two Transport mix is also a strong indicator café or workplace, residents in regional
universities, proximity to Asia and great of social equity; our bicycle and areas know it’s simply a fact of life that
local schools and hospitals. pedestrian paths are a sign of a healthy, we must drive to our destinations.
On top of this, Simon pointed out strong socially inclusive community. Spending less
economic growth drivers including: 3. Once we understand Marchetti’s So, I was a bit aggrieved when council
1. Expected continued tourism constant, we can focus on making a reached a unanimous resolution in
resurgence. comfortable trip by building: December to raise the cost of parking in
2. Current new hotel developments. • Shady footpaths within 2-3km of the the inner city. On top of that, council also
3. Continued government spending on CBD and other destinations including scrapped free parking on Sundays and
infrastructure. schools, shopping centres and extended the hours of regulation from
I definitely agree with Simon and see universities for a comfortable walk 8.30am to 6.00pm seven days a week. It
2018 as being a great year for Cairns. My • Good bike paths within 5-10km for a won’t make me stay away from the CBD
bold predictions are: comfortable ride but it will influence how long I linger in
• 5%+ growth in employment numbers • Priority bus lanes, routes and sheltered the city, which means I’ll end up
• 5% - 10% growth in local real estate bus stops within 10-15km spending less.
prices • End of trip facilities such as showers, It also bothers me that $5.9 million was
• Continued transactional activity in the locker and bike storage, which deliver a spent on the upgrade of the Lake St
tourism sector whole lot more incentive to walk or ride parking station. Locals don’t use it, and I
• Strong growth in the civil and to work. We are yet to do this well in believe the only time I ever did was to
construction sectors Cairns. As I drive around block after watch a fireworks display. I hope that
• Addition hotel developments being block in the CBD looking for a parking will change as more people visit the CBD
announced space, I am contributing to congestion over time.
Bring on 2018, I’m looking forward to a and that planning for efficient movement
big year for Cairns! of cars is not the answer. We get a much
better outcome when we are planning for
people. Isn’t that what cities are for?